
<p>I received an invitation to apply for Honors, but missed the deadline because I wasn't really serious about going to VT. Recently I've come to like the school a lot more and want to go visit again in April, but I'm really concerned about falling in love with it and not getting any scholarships; apparently the Honors application was also the application for Honors scholarships which I'm assuming would be the large ones. The website says the average General Scholarship ranges from 1500-3000 which isn't going to cut it for me. Does VT have any large out of state scholarships that I just don't know about, or am I completely out of luck?</p>

<p>This would depend on the college you are applying to. In my case, the engineering school has a dean’s scholarship with an application. Many of the other schools, i’m sure, have similar scholarship applications. Not sure about due dates, I think they are pretty early though.
Remember, this is a giant state school. They don’t have the endowments, etc, that all the private schools have. They aren’t handing out giant $15,000+ merit scholarships. For instance, I know the College of Engineering Dean’s Scholarship is “only” $5,000/yr and is only given to about 25 kids. It leaves more room for financial aid, but keep in mind the “norm” on scholarship for big state schools like Tech and Penn State. When applying for scholarships, just remember: Every little bit counts!</p>

<p>I had the same question and found that there is very little in the way of Merit Scholarships for Out of State students. Most of the scholarships are for particular schools and counties in Virginia and the one and only one I could apply for which was a department scholarship was for a max of 2K per year. Being Out of State that would not be of a lot of help or come close to evening out the cost. As far as the Honors it doesn’t appear there are any scholarships with the Honors Program for Freshmen.</p>

<p>I will most likely stay in Maryland and hope that I get the Maryland Distinguished Scholar semifinalist $3K</p>