Scholarship Question

<p>Ι was very happy to be accepted to the Honors College at the University of Arizona (out of state) with a $9K “Academic Excellence” scholarship. With a 233 PSAT (and an SAT score higher than that), Ι feel that Ι have a good shot at becoming a National Merit Finalist. Does UA send out its $30K “National Scholars” awards after finalists are named in February, or is my award finalized? Just wondering because $21K would be a huge difference!</p>

<p>DS expects to be a National Achievement Finalist but as you already know the official notification from National Merit Corporation will not out until the end of this month. However he has already received the scholarship offer from U of AZ. Don’t know what they know that we don’t. :). DS can only attend with that 30K award. If you are a finalist when announced, I would suggest you contact admissions immediately to confirm the scholarship.</p>

<p>Congrats to your son! I will keep my fingers crossed and plan to take your advice of calling if/when the time comes :)</p>

<p>As far as I’m aware, all finalists will get the 30K award. I believe I was awarded a smaller scholarship first, then had my award updated once I became a finalist.</p>