Scholarship Question

I applied to UA and was accepted during fall. I then submitted my scholarship application by the Dec 15th deadline. I was reading another post and the person said that they got a scholarship offer with their acceptance letter and without filling out the scholarship application. I have above a 3.5 GPA and a 31 ACT so I definitely qualify for merit-based scholarship. I just wanted to make sure I shouldn’t have expected scholarship info with my acceptance letter and that my Dec 15th scholarship app was for merit based scholarships offered by UA and that I will receive information regarding those scholarships later.

My sons scholarship offer came later in another letter. Can’t remember if it was a few days or a week later.

Scholarship letters do NOT come with acceptance letters. Scholarship letters come separately…usually a few days later. HOWEVER, with the holidays, there may be a further delay.

When did your acceptance letter come?

My acceptance letter came about a month ago but i never got a letter for scholarship. What was the scholarship application due on dec 15th for then?

The one due on the 15th was for smaller ones, for example local Alumni groups. Since you did not receive any notifications of the automatic ones and you should qualify for them you should contact them ASAP. Here is a link to the page with the contact information. Be sure to include you CWID number.

Perhaps the letter came and got misplaced? Or maybe it just got lost in the mail.

Email Scholarships, include your CWID and let them know that you didn’t receive notification.

I emailed them and they said it should come with in the next couple weeks now, thanks!

I haven’t seen any mention of the Presidentail Elite Scholarship which is Presidential plus includes 4 years in the ‘largest’ room available in the residence hall chosen. 1) what does largest room mean, a single? or a 4 suite vs a 2 suite? triple vs double or double vs triple? best available?
Also does this include food (nothing mentioned about board).

I’ve seen this scholarship offered to a few students. It’s very similar to the scholarship given to National Merit Finalists in terms of covering tuition and housing.

In answer to your questions:

  1. Largest room refers to the least expensive room type in the building. For the suites, this would be a single bedroom in a 4 bedroom suite. For traditional dorms, this would be a bed in a two person double or a three person triple if triple rooms are offered in that dorm. As you can guess, most students with this scholarship will choose the more expensive room types as they're getting a more for the same price. UA standardizes the list price of "free" rooms so students don't have to pay more in taxes for choosing a more expensive dorm. Technically, the discount of higher priced rooms to a lower price before applying the scholarship is a non-taxable rebate or discount.
  2. Meal plans are not included unless specifically mentioned. occasionally, one will see a stipend designed to cover some of the cost of a meal plan.

Thanks. It also covers $1000 per year stipend and an ipad. One more question, will the engineering $2500/year ‘stack’ with this, in other words can it be used in addition? Does the engineering scholarship notification come separately?

Engineering scholarship came after the other scholarship for my D.

The engineering scholarship will stack as will local scholarships and federal aid as long as they don’t go over the total cost of attendance as determined by UA. It’s a great deal, but be aware that some portions of the scholarship beyond the cost of tuition, required fees, and textbooks may be taxable at the federal and state level. Alabama does not tax excess scholarship money, but other states might.