Scholarship Questions

<p>I am an out of state national achievement scholarship semifinalist so I automatically qualify for 4 years of OOS tuition based on that. I thought that would be the only scholarship I would be receiving but today I got a scholarship award letter in the mail stating that based on my test scores and GPA I qualified for a Foundation In Excellence Scholarship which is worth 1/2 the value of OOS tuition renewable for 4 years. Do I get both of these? Or since they are both tuition scholarships do I have to take the higher award and disregard the other.</p>

<p>Here is a thread in which that scholarship was discussed previously</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Perhaps you qualify for the foundations scholarship based on your scores and UA does not yet know about the other status? I’m sure m2ck will provide a better answer</p>

<p>Thanks! I am still wondering whether or not I will receive both. I already have a secured full tuition scholarship…do I still get this 1/2 tuition one?</p>

<p>No, I don’t think so.</p>

<p>But, when you’re named a NA finalist, you’ll get a year of Housing, $1k per year, study abroad money, and an iPad.</p>

<p>What is your major?</p>

<p>Ok, …bummer lol Thanks!
I just finalized my application yesterday, so fingers and toes crossed for NA Finalist!
I am majoring in Chemical Engineering and I meet the requirements for the $1500 a year engineering school scholarship but my informal award letter did not say anything about me being awarded that.</p>

<p>The letter about the Eng’g scholarship will come later. </p>

<p>Congrats on making NASF…best wishes for NAF!</p>

<p>You might want to email the Scholarships person, since you qualify for Presidential, Eng’g may give you the 2500 per year award. fingers crossed.</p>

<p>Thanks, either way BAMA the school for me!

<p>wow…spelling error.
meant to say BAMA *is the school for me!
Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!!</p>