
<p>one of my sons has the following STATs</p>

<p>SAT MATH 760 ,Reading 670,writing 750
ACT composite 33 (English 32,math 36)
SAT II MATH 800, Biology 730 Chemistry 710 Physics 730
AP Scholar with distinction (nearly 12 AP classes)
Community service 520 hours
Class Ranking: 2 out of 607<br>
Cumulative GPA: 3.8983
Academic Core GPA: 4.3519
Weighted Cumul. GPA: 5.5784</p>

<p>What scholarship he will be eligible for ?</p>

<p>Most likely a huge chance for the University ($24k) scholarship and an invite to at least Singer, and maybe Stamps weekend.</p>

<p>Apply EA!</p>

<p>What are the different scholarship awards and amounts at UM, and what are the criteria?</p>

<p>He applied for EA. He will be giving another SAT in Decemeber 1st.</p>

<p>jozuko: Here’s the link to scholarships for freshmen:</p>

<p>[New</a> Freshmen / First Year Students | Undergraduate Admission | University of Miami](<a href=“]New”>Undergraduate Admission | University of Miami)</p>

<p>And here :slight_smile:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Liny…on the link that you posted, it states :must have significant achievement on standardized tests and a minimum requirement of a 1350 SAT (math and critical reading sections) or a 31 ACT to receive consideration…
of course, DS has a 1330, not 1350, so that is why I am wondering if we even have a chance…
Illinoismom…the link you posted has different levels of scholarships, of which, DS would definitely qualify:Trustee Scholarship
$11,000 annually
$44,000 total for four years
Top 10% class rank A- average
1300 SAT I or 30 ACT
however, that link was for the school year 2007-2008.
I am wondering (and hoping) if this scholarship still exists???</p>

<p>Scholarships have changed pretty dramatically since 2007/2008. My DS had all the criteria for one and ended up getting the one lower, so you never know…But, they have new financial aid options that basically you get offered depending on your finances and also how badly they want your student, so don’t rule anything out because you are not one score, you are your whole resume/application.</p>

<p>Ahh sorry! That’s the only link I had saved that lists the different award amounts and since I didn’t see any amounts listed on the first link I wanted to make sure the poster knew that there were many different scholarships of varying amounts available : ) I was looking at the first link on the tiny screen of my phone, however, since we were out of the country and I didn’t have a computer, so perhaps the different scholarships are listed there?</p>

<p>As dindune said, things do change from year to year and the _ always considers the whole application when award decisions are made as well as scholarship weekend invites sent. Some of the last cycle’s scholarship posts are here : </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Based on those posts along with many more last year those scholarships were awarded last year and the amounts matched up to those on the pdf link. At some point after that publication it seems the “Dickinson Scholarship” was added - at $20,000 - between the University and Dean’s levels.The only place I remember seeing the Stamps scholarship info on the site is on the scholarship weekend invite RSVP page.</p>

<p>Thank you Illinoismom. I just read through that thread from last year, which really gives me hope for some merit money for DS. Despite the fact that I cannot find anything current that lists these different scholarship levels, they definitely existed last year. The only thing that I have seen from this year just says that you need a 1350 SAT to be considered for merit $$.
Reading through the posts from last year, kids in the 1300 SAT range got between $11K and $20K depending on GPA and other factors. So, fingers crossed!!
Also, can someone talk about Singer/Stamps. What is it and what are the criteria…thanks…</p>

<p>this is the information i just found on the net price calculator.
I noticed that there doesnt seem to be a trustee scholarship. </p>

<p>[University</a> of Miami - Net Price Calculator](<a href=“]University”></p>

<p>Isaac Bashevis Singer Scholarship
SAT/ACT: 1500 / 34
Class Rank: 1%
University Scholarship
SAT/ACT: 1450 / 33
Class Rank: 5%
Dickinson Scholarship
SAT/ACT: 1400 / 32
Class Rank: 7%
Dean’s Scholarship
SAT/ACT: 1350 / 31
Class Rank: 10%
Not Eligible for a UM Scholarship</p>

<p>its full tuition, 24, 20, 16k respectively, right?</p>

<p>^ Wuhandrummer: In the last two years, they have also awarded 8k and 11k (used to be called the “collegiate” and “trustee” scholarships).</p>

<p>^ jozuko: The Singer and Stamps academic scholarships are by invitation only and go to some of those students who are awarded the 20k or 24k merits. Over the course of 3 weekends in late Feb / early March, some 350+ students are invited to campus to compete for perhaps 100 +/- Singer awards (full tuition only). Two of the weekends are for ED/EA applicants, the 3rd is for RD applicants. Of those receiving the Singer another 6 are chosen to speak with Mr. Stamps for a chance at the true “full ride” - tuition, room/board, fees, and a small stipend. I believe last year there were 4 Stamps awarded. IllinoisMom93 would know for sure :wink:
Many of those who attend an S/S weekend, but don’t receive either the Singer or Stamps, are awarded an additional ~4k in the form of a Gables scholarship. The participants learn the decisions about a week after returning from their respective weekend.
Hope that helps…</p>

<p>Thanks for answer. Are you aware if the 8 and 11 k are still availible eve though they aren’t listed in that section.</p>

<p>All I can say is that they were offered in the last 2 acceptance seasons.</p>