Scholarships 2013

<p>Blanco, when were you admitted?</p>

<p>Besides, as an incoming freshman do we have to apply for departmental scholarship or are we considered for it automatically by submitting applytexas application?</p>

<p>I was admitted January 16th. Everything was processed January 8th.</p>

<p>I believe we are considered for departmental scholarships automatically. If I remember correctly, in the scholarship section of the applytexas there was a box you had to click to be considered for them.</p>

<p>Actually, let me correct that. The scholarship offer was sent February 1st, I just didn’t actually open it until yesterday.</p>

<p>Thanks Blanco. You received scholarship quiet fast I believe. I was admitted in Computer Eng on 18th Dec but still havnt got any scholarships.</p>

<p>Yeah, it was pretty unexpected. I thought I wouldn’t receive anything until I submitted my FAFSA</p>

<p>Blanco if you don’t mind me asking what were your stats and are you in-state or out-of-state?</p>

<p>To be honest, my stats aren’t at all impressive. I have a 3.7 GPA and I’m 37th in a class of 505, so I’m top ten percent.</p>

<p>My SAT score was a 1920 with a combined CR and M of 1310 and I’m a National Hispanic Scholar, but I’m pretty sure I barely made the cut.</p>

<p>My parents make less than 40k a year.
I’m in-state. Most students wouldn’t get much with these stats, but I guess I got really lucky because I don’t think I’ll have to pay the majority for college myself. At the most, maybe a thousand a year?</p>

<p>Anyways, if anyone’s wondering, I was offered the Regents, the EE, and the National Hispanic recognition scholarship. I also expect to receive the top ten% scholarship when my FAFSA is processed, along with the texas and pell grants</p>

<p>Way to go, Blanco! You’re off to a great start! Gig 'em!</p>

<p>Website says that Opportunity award offers are sent out in March and I am really nervous if I am going to make it. Anybody who has received one please post your stats so we can know where are these awards going.</p>

<p>I got an Opportunity award, it showed up sometime in February. </p>

<p>Homeschool-Top 25% assigned rank
4.0 gpa uw, 4.7 weighted
2000 SAT, 1350 CR + M
Lots of ECs
3.83 gpa in 6 dual credit courses</p>

<p>I’m not sure what other stats will help you</p>

<p>Thanks Panther0. :slight_smile:
My stats are similar but with few ECs.</p>

<p>Did anyone else other than Blanco receive the Regents’ Scholarship?</p>

<p>I actually stayed up to complete the FAFSA ASAP, so I’m clueless as to how A&M rewards “on a first come first serve basis…”</p>

<p>Maybe it’s because I haven’t submitted all of my college transcripts yet?
Maybe it’s because my application indicates my family’s gross income as $20,000-$39,999?</p>

<p>Has anyone received the Federal Pell Grant yet?</p>

<p>Sorry, messed up again. I haven’t actually been offered the Regents yet, but I am 90% sure I will. The Regents scholarship will be offered starting tomorrow, March 15th</p>

<p>I’m not sure about the Pell grant though. Has anyone heard about the top 10% scholarships?</p>

<p>My daughter has received the top 10% scholarship through the state at another school for the past 2 years. She never receives notification. It just shows up when her billing for tuition does.</p>

<p>Hey guys for Regents’, the deadline to “submit all required documents” and “submit Residence Life application” is May 1st.</p>

<p>I guess we have a ways to go.</p>

<p>It seems that the maximum total amount for awards (grants+scholarships) this year is $17,145/yr.</p>