Scholarships after Admittance

Hello, I have already been admitted to UA with the 26k scholarship yearly. Will there be more scholarships from the specific college (College of Engineering)? When will I be notified of such scholarships if there are any? Thank You.

Yes, CoE will be awarding yu a $2500 per year award. When were you admitted?

Thank you for your reply! Does the CoE award all admittees this amount? I was admitted in October.

What are your stats??

Are you a NMSF

My GPA is 3.9/4.0 on a weighted scale and my highest SAT score is 1460, 790 in Math and 670 in English. My SAT super score, however, is 1470. Unfortunately, I did not qualify for NMSF.

Hi! What admitted students would be eligible for the $2500 per year award offered by the CoE and does this apply toUAH?
Thanks, in advance, mom2college kids

@cmvaz1 if you applied to Bama by the scholarship deadline, are an eng’g or CS major, and have the needed stats, you get the 2500/year eng’g scholarship. Exception are NMFs

UAH is a different school.

@mom2collegekids I just requested a major change from Computer Science to Management Information Sciences. Does the Culverhouse College of Commerce have a similar scholarship to that of the College of Engineering? Thank you for your help.

No it doesn’t. Unfortunately you’ll be losing that $2500 per year award.

@mom2collegekids Does Culverhouse have any scholarships? I mean like non-automatic scholarships, that are not too competitive for my stats.

They’re all competitive. And I think most of Culverhouse awards are for returning students.

Has anyone ever heard of someone applying/getting admitted past the deadline for Freshman scholarships, and still getting random merit aid?? My D19 didn’t apply till Dec. 30th (sort of a last minute decision, and she was focused on a bunch of Jan. 1st Regular Decision deadlines). She has the stats for a Presidential Scholarship, but obviously missed the application deadline. I had a quick email convo with our regional admissions rep, and she indicated that occasionally they’ll randomly award a merit award to someone, even if they missed the deadline (if it was close the deadline). Just wondering if anyone has EVER heard of this actually happening?? It’s not like you can actually “apply” for the scholarships because the link stops working after the deadline.

I have occasionally heard of this happening, but each case involved contacting the Director of Scholarships. These have been cases of high test scores and a commitment to the director that the student would enroll if offere the award

Thanks so much for your reply @mom2collegekids! Okay, that makes sense!