<p>How competitive is the MSU Alumni Distinguished Sholarship competition? What kind of stats do you need in order to be invited? and has anyone from this board been invited?</p>
<p>the ADS scholarship is EXTREMELY competitive and is only awarded to those 1st admitted to State by, usually, early January before freshman year. That February (it used to be Feb) top MSU admitees from all over the nation are invited to campus to take the ADS qualifying exam -- it's a kind of cross between an SAT and an ACH exams but developed solely by MSU researchers. Usually, only students with about 3.3/3/.4 GPA and up are even invited (it may have changed since I started MSU 20 years ago -- it's perhaps higher, but remember, students are "invited" to take it, they can't simply just show up). Only about 15 to 17 of the top achievers get the ADS full ride. However, because only seemingly MENSA geniuses actually win ADS, a number of sub-ADS scholarships for runners-up are awarded: anything from (I think theyre called) Distinguished Freshman scholarships and ADS commended-s. ADS is a full ride, adjusted for out-of-staters, if applicable, plus a $1,000/year stipend for books and incidentals. The runner ups offer less money, obviously, but are quite lucrative in their own right, and can involve automatic qualification to the Honors College and/or undergraduate research opportunities with top profs across campus. </p>
<p>I did not win any of these but enjoyed the process, nonetheless. And as an out-of-state student, it gave me a chance to see the beautiful campus and experience, up close, the high-quality programs (esp the residential colleges, of which James Madison College I participated in), and helped influence me to attend MSU even though I didn't get the scholarship...</p>
<p>... and that's the point. The admissions director there at the time I went to State was fond of saying: "... if I could get a kid to come to this great campus, I've got 'em!" ... check out the link, below. Also, do an "Alumni distinguished scholarship" search on msu.edu's main page, and I'm sure you'll find even more info.</p>
<p>Hope this helps.</p>
<p>if you get in the honors college (which im assuming you did based on your ADS invite) and you’re out of state, di you get the Professorial Assistantship? If you did, and i assume you became a National Merit Finalist, you can basically get a full ride w/ a combo of the Honors College national scholarship, tuition grant, and merit recognition scholarships; you’re family would only pay a few thousand a year, and Im sure you could find something else to cover it</p>
<p>I’m going to the ADS competition. I was just wondering, if I don’t win any scholarships from the competition, are there any regular scholarships that may be offered to me, or am I stuck paying full tuition?</p>
<p>Just in case it helps I have a 4.0, APs, and 30 on the ACT.</p>
<p>If you don’t win anything at the ADS you still have a chance at receiving a smaller scholarship through MSU later in the spring. My son did. They have a lot of scholarships to hand out.</p>
<p>they are continually giving out small annual scholarships; i just got one in the mail, so don’t lose hope b/c you’re going to be one of the top students there!</p>
<p>My son won the MSU ADS for 2010. It is really an incredible opportunity.</p>
<p>So did I. Whoo! I’m excited about 0 debt.</p>
<p>me too! I’m so glad I don’t have to work every hour this summer to pay for college. </p>
<p>@soniqwave, as far as competitiveness for ADS, I got the full ride, and while I had good extra circulars and test scores, my grades weren’t as perfect as a lot of people out there. My dad didn’t think we should make the effort to drive to michigan for such a small chance, I didn’t think i’d get anything.</p>
<p>they told us at ADS (2 years ago for me) that 10% of ADS participants get awarded scholarships…so it is pretty competitive.</p>