Scholarships at UA?

Already got the presidential OOS awesomeness and the engineering bonus, but I’m curious if I even have a chance at UFE full ride?
Planning on mechanical engineering
Stats: 4.55/4 GPA
34 ACT
9 APs
Pretty good EC’s

Admission to UFE isn’t based on high stats. University Fellows all have high stats, but once you meet the threshold to apply, I don’t think they’re considered much; your interest and participation in community service is more important. Not all students who are admitted to UFE get the full ride, either. If you are interested in being a University Fellow, you should definitely apply, but don’t do it for the scholarship money.

UFE’s Academic Elite are very difficult to obtain. Here’s the stats:
1000 apply to UFE
275 approx. phone screened
60 invited to UFE weekend (approx.)
30 invited to become UFE
8 offered Academic Elite

All UFE are extremely high stat students. Academic Elite scholarships are a little like winning the lottery. The winners are “recruited academic students” that are highly regarded for their potential contributions to the university and to UFE. Traditionally either very community service focused in their vision of their collegiate career, or potential leaders on campus.

If interested in UFE, definitely apply. However, if you don’t have a desire to participate in the community service aspects of collegiate life, you will not like UFE. Whatever you do, don’t apply to UFE thinking the Academic Elite scholarships are the reason to do so.

This is definitely good to know @swim4school