Nomination for UFE

Question about the nomination process. My dd is interested in this program but does not currently qualify to apply-- meaning not high enough stars to have been invited to apply. If she would get nominated by advisor, counselor, etc…, how would she find out if she has then been invited to apply? I am assuming they don’t take everyone who has been nominated. Also does that ‘nomination letter’ count as her recommendation that she would need?

She is very interested but feels already discouraged because the program is super competitive. Just wondering if anyone has experience with this program by being nominated. Any insight appreciated. She is not sure she should pursue. Thank you!!

No personal experience, but just the feeling I have is that this would be a steep road to climb (to get considered)…but those who don’t shoot, don’t score, so I encourage everyone with a passion for something to go for the opportunities they want.

Once your advisor or counselor has nominated you, you can apply to UFE automatically. The nomination allows your application to be considered. If your DD has “almost the stats” or is deeply committed to community service, then it might be a good idea to apply. Note that the stats need to be reasonably high so that the UFE office will feel comfortable that your student can handle both her regular academic work and her commitment to UFE–which is significant. However, once in the “pool” of candidates, and the application process completed, the candidate has the same opportunity as any other candidate.

In the essay, your student will need to demonstrate a deep passion for community service, with examples–or why a deep passion for community service is what she will pursue in college.

If you are applying to gain additional scholarship money, please note that only 8 of the 30 UFE students each year get additional scholarship money through the Academic Elite program–and those are typically very high stat students.

The student will need an additional letter of recommendation from an alternate person from the individual who nominated her.