<p>I spoke to the scholarship coordinator yesterday and she said the most they are giving out this year based only on merit is 6500/year. I think your friend’s scholarship may differ either because there are different scholarships for minorities or because he has financial need.</p>
<p>well my friend and I have basically the same EC’s (except he works at a supermarket and i volunteered at a hospital)
He is definitely qualified to receive a scholarship and i am happy for him and hope he enjoys tcnj if he decides to go there…but if you look on the link you posted it says “other factors are considered including…” … i’m pretty sure race is one of those factors but they won’t just blatantly say it</p>
<p>same here bicycle, i got 26K/4 yrs, quite disappointing considering they were trying to sell me on their pre-med over rutgers which gave me a lot more plus honors benefits</p>
<p>Are the scholarships referred to in this thread for in-state students? My D is OOS, we just received letter stating that she will get $6500 per year also. Curious as to what other out of state applicants are getting.</p>