
<p>I know this type of question is always asked and I have read the website but things aren’t always set in stone…</p>

<p>I am an out of state senior from TX and I go to a very rigorous/demanding private Catholic school. ECs are decent, I’m in NHS, involved in the tutoring program, in pro-life club, and varsity softball captain. I have played select (travel) softball for many years which doesn’t leave a ton of time to be in every club under the sun, but I still think my ECs are okay. Also my school requires a certain amount of christian service and by graduation I will have 80+ hours of christian service (which is stated on my transcript.) I was accepted to Bama last week and now is the time to apply for scholarships.</p>

<p>GPA: 3.7
ACT: 30 (E-34 M-26 R-32 S-28)
SAT: 1390 (CR-760 M-630)
Not National Merit… took PSAT with flu</p>

<p>Anyway I lurk these boards (hehe) and think I read that someone had originally only qualified for a partial tuition scholarship to Bama, and wound up with a Presidential. I have also heard it happen at other schools. My SAT is only 10 points too low, is it possible I could still end up with full tuition as opposed to 2/3? Just curious to hear if it can happen.</p>

<p>Also, how do you obtain departmental scholarships? When you submit the scholarship application are you automatically considered for those? I plan on being an English major and in the Honors Program.</p>

<p>Thanks for any and all help!!</p>



<p>In your case, I know that Engineering would bump your scholarship up to full tuition plus $2500 per year. I don’t know if other departments do this, too.</p>

<p>This is what I would recommend…</p>

<p>Send an email to: Carolyn Rogers <a href=“”></a> </p>

<p>I would put …Attn: Carolyn Rogers … in the subject line of the email.</p>

<p>I would ask if it’s possible for you to get the OOS Presidential scholarship since you’re only 10 points short. I’d also ask if there were any other departments besides Engineering that will increase a 2/3 tuition scholarship to a full tuition scholarship with a 1390 SAT. </p>

<p>(Don’t bother to include your ACT score in the email since your SAT is better for scholarships.)</p>

Thank you!! I definitely will do that… should I apply for scholarships before I email, or email before I apply?
I know that Engineering does bump scholarships, but I have not seen anything in regards to other departments that I have checked out… I have considered engineering because the scholarship is so good, but not so sure…</p>

<p>Well, you should probably try to get an answer from scholarships/Ms. Rogers, before you apply for scholarships and this is why.</p>

<p>If UA’s response is “no,” and that there are no other majors that will bump your scholarship, then you’ll have to decide if you want to do engineering - which will increase it to full tuition plus $2500 per year. </p>

<p>That way, when you apply for scholarships, you’ll have the right major listed on your scholarship application. Did you list a major on your college app? If so, you’ll have to submit a change for that if you do decide to major in Engineering (or something else).</p>

<p>Also, departmental scholarships use the same scholarship app - that’s why you put a major down (I don’t think there are exceptions to this for incoming freshmen - but you can check a department’s website or contact a dept and ask). I know someone who listed a double major (music and business) and music gave her a scholarship. </p>

<p>BTW…be sure to include your CWID # so Ms. Rogers can verify your stats.</p>


<p>^^ Hope you get a good response from Ms. Rogers, but given that the scholarships are so generous with scores to begin with I’m not sure what the response will be. Is it too late to retake SAT/ACT?
On the other thing, unless it was a toss-up between Engineering/English all along I can’t imagine taking Engineering just for the extra $$, from everything I’ve read and heard from Engineering students it’s anything but an easy road, you have to really be into it (much of this coming from my niece at MIT ;))</p>

<p>Let us know how it comes out!</p>

<p>My listed major was English. Yes It is too late to retake the ACT/SAT… well I could, but it wouldn’t be accepted for scholarships. Engineering had always been in the back of my mind, but I’ve been a bit more reluctant because I have heard it is so hard. My father has a masters in Electrical Engineering (which is apparently, the hardest) and tells me constantly to not do it unless I REALLY want to, or I’m really going to hate it.</p>

<p>I guess I was thinking about it from a standpoint that my GPA was good and higher than required, and my ECs are good, so maybe it could make up for those 10 points. I’m emailing her today and I will let everyone know when I hear back. Thanks for all the help!</p>


<p>I only suggested Engineering because you mentioned it as a possibility. I didn’t want you to start in another major, then switch to Engineering, and lose out on the money :frowning: </p>

<p>Yes, electrical engineering is the hardest, but UA offers many different engineering programs - with different levels of difficulty (although none would be considered “easy”). </p>

<p>*Computer Science is included in the Dept of Engineering (so I’m guessing those students also qualify for the Eng’g scholarships - but, ask to make sure)</p>

<p>Eng’g programs at UA…</p>

<p>Aerospace Eng’g
Chem Eng’g
Civil Eng’g
Construction Eng’g
Environmental Eng’g
Computer Science (see note above *)
Electrical Eng’g
Electrical and Computer Eng’g
Industrial Eng’g
Mechanical Eng’g
Engineering Graphics
Metallurigical and Materials Eng’g</p>

<p>So, if it’s something that you’re considering, there are some areas of eng’g that are not as difficult as Electrical Eng’g. </p>

<p>If you consider majoring in Eng’g (or double majoring with English), you’ll need to submit a change to qualify for scholarships (you might have to do this change by Dec 1)</p>

<p>If you’ll enter UA with a lot of AP credits, you can double major, or you can major in Eng’g and minoring in English. Just some ideas :)</p>

I have considered Civil or Industrial with a minor in English. I will enter with 2 AP English credits and hopefully an AP Economics and AP Government credit.</p>

<p>I am going to wait until Ms. Rogers emails me back, and if she says there is no way that I could obtain a Presidential scholarship, I will probably change to Engineering or just wing it with English and hope for some dept scholarships and outside scholarships.</p>

<p>Do engineering students HAVE to live in engineering dorms? Can they live in normal honors dorms (Riverside, etc) if they want?</p>

<p>Thank you so much for all your help, I will let everyone know what happens/my decision.</p>

<p>Tacitum, you do not have to live in the engineering dorms unless you want to. I know engineers living in Riverside, Lakeside, and Ridgecrest. At UA, you choose your own room unless you are in a very specific living-learning option like a language house. All colleges have their own living learning communities, but they aren’t large enough to accommodate all freshmen in that college. When visiting, check out both the engineering and honors dorms to see which you like better. Even within the honors dorms, there are some small differences.</p>

<p>Since you have previously expressed a desire to major in some type of engineering, you might as well declare it as your major. Be aware though that College of Engineering majors do have different core curriculum requirements, though I don’t know the exact differences.</p>

<p>You can live where you want! (Well, a girl can’t choose an all-male dorm or vice versa LOL :slight_smile: ) If you’re in honors, choose any honors dorm or a regular dorm. :)</p>

<p>The engineering dorm is just for those who choose to live there.</p>

<p>My son who is majoring in Engineering is in Ridgecrest South - the north tower is an honors dorm for freshmen. scroll down for all pics and layout <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>My other son has had engineering suitemates, and he’s been in Riverside honors and Lakeside honors.</p>

<p>For an incoming honors freshman, I recommend Honors Ridgecrest South (north tower) (link above) </p>

<p>However, if you don’t want to be with all honors freshmen, then choose…
Lakeside West honors <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
Riverside honors (north, east, or west) <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
Ridgecrest West … <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; </p>

<p>(some of the above links have a video)</p>


<p>*Computer Science is included in the Dept of Engineering (so I’m guessing those students also qualify for the Eng’g scholarships - but, ask to make sure)</p>

<p>yep - it is, DS is Comp. Sci and got the $2,500.</p>



<p>Yes, Engineering has LESS core curriculum requirements (for instance, no Fine Arts requirement and less history and humanities requirements).
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Everyone else follows these Core… <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Engineering majors do have a fine arts requirement.</p>


<p>No, Engineering Core Requirements do NOT require Engineering students to take a Fine Arts (FA) class (or a literature class (L) either)…</p>

<p>Nine semester hours of humanities, literature, and fine arts (HU, L, & FA) area courses, six semester hours are required in a discipline (EH, PHL, for example). A six-hour depth (or sequence) study is required and may be taken in either HU, L, & FA or HI & SB. There are ** no mandatory general education requirements for literature or fine arts except as required for a specific engineering program. **</p>

<p>You can graduate with an engineering degree without taking an FA course - you need to read the “fine print.” The rest of the majors are required to take 3 credit hours in FA for core curriculum. Not engineers. A Fine Arts class <em>could</em> be taken, but it’s not REQUIRED.</p>

<p>An engineering student can fulfill those required 9 hours by choosing from the list w/o taking one FA class. For instance…A student’s 6 credit hour sequence can be in HU and his other 3 credit hours can be in HI.</p>

<p>Contrast how the above is written for engineering students with how the core requirements are listed for other majors below…</p>

<p>** Applicable to students who begin their college careers fall 1998 and after, except for students enrolled in the College of Engineering. **</p>

<p>12 semester hours of courses approved for the humanities, literature, and fine arts (HU, L, & FA) designation ** to include 3 semester hours of courses approved for the fine arts (FA) designation ** and 3 semester hours of courses approved for the literature (L) designation*</p>


<p>I had to talk to Scholarships about another issue today, and I casually asked about a scenario where a student was 10 points short of 1400 SAT for Presidential. The rep said that it’s “set in stone”. I asked if there were any other majors besides Engineering that will increase the Capstone 2/3 tuition to Full Tuition. She said “no.”</p>

<p>I asked how a person would change their major that they listed on their admission application and scholarship application, and she said to call 800-933-Bama (2262) to submit the change. She said that only one major can be listed for applications, so if the student will be double majoring (including Engineering), the student needs to be sure that their app is changed to Engineering. The second major (the double major) is added later once enrolled.</p>

<p>Thanks… I was pretty sure it wouldn’t budge, but can’t hurt to ask. Figures. I got a type letter back in my email that told me basically the same thing. If I submit my app with English as my listed major I will be considered for all English department scholarships. Hoping if I do that I can snag a few. I am not sure how dept scholarships are selected or how often they are given out? I am still thinking of double majoring but I’m not sure that I’d be happy as an Engineering major. I am good at math and science, and I may be successful, but I do not particularly enjoy them.</p>

<p>I appreciate all of the help, mom2collegekids, and everyone else!</p>


<p>I asked about that question (English scholarships), and I was told that those scholarships are given to students who haven’t been given tuition scholarships. I can understand, English doesn’t have a big scholarship budget like Engineering does.</p>

<p>Ah that would make sense. Well, 2/3 is better than none. Hopefully can get some outside scholarships and I’m doing an essay for another one. Thank you for all your help!!</p>