<p>I'm submitting for writing (two short stories, poetry, and personal essay) gahhh the deadline is soooo close and I do not feel good about what I've written. Anyone else submitting? If so want to read each other's and critique? :( PM me pleasee</p>
<p>im going to submit short short writing… when is the deadline for GA?? anybody know?</p>
<p>Hmm, so far I have two humor pieces down. And I’m about halfway through a science fiction story. I don’t know how much more I can do with only a couple of days left though. I don’t mind commenting on anyone else’s stuff. If you want me to, I’d be glad to read it. And if you really want to read one of mine, that would be all right, as well. :)</p>
<p>■■■■■■■■, I’m pretty sure they want it in by January 9 for everyone except for people in NY</p>
<p>im so mad i missed the dead line for art in nj :[</p>