School cancelled 3 days this week and counting

<p>Yikes-- no school Monday or Tuesday, and already cancelled for tomorrow. I sure hope they are open Thursday or Friday so DD can get transcripts before the winter break. Business office staff was in this afternoon, but not the guidance office. After Friday no one will be until 1/5-- too late for many schools. DD will contact a couple admissions offices tomorrow to find out if they will accept late transcripts and guidance counselor reports.</p>

<p>Yup, we know this reflects the perils of waiting until the last minute.</p>

<p>Usually, the deadline applies to the applicant. Paperwork from schools often straggles in after that. After all, the admissions people are going to get back to their desks on January 5th and start sorting through piles and piles of application material that were mailed or emailed off by the deadline. It will take them DAYS, if not weeks, to do so. So I wouldn’t worry…just get things done ASAP.</p>

<p>AFter all packets are assembled, many schools will send you a note or email to let you know if any pieces are missing. So obviously, your application will still be considered even if different pieces did not make it to the college by the deadline.</p>

<p>wow–I can see your worry. Can you reach the HS principal?</p>

<p>LMNOP is correct. As long as your S/D gets the app in, it’s okay if the school stuff straggles in after the immediate deadline. Both GC and several calls to Adcoms have confirmed this.</p>

<p>Why is school cancelled? Weather?</p>

<p>Yes, weather. Snow is infrequent here and usually melts within a day if not a couple hours, so public works doesn’t have a lot of equipment to deal with stuff that stays. Unfortunately, that’s what we got Sunday. Things will warm up today. That would be a good thing except more precipitation is on the way-- snow, then freezing rain, then rain. Then cold again overnight, so I’m not sure about school tomorrow if the rain freezes on the road.</p>

<p>Mom58–you must be in Orygone–we’re dealing with the same snow/administrative issues! I’m going to try to get S into school to get the transcripts sent today!</p>

<p>Hi Mom58</p>

<p>I live in Oregon and in the same boat, and my daughter has a counselor supplement that she just noticed. We will email the counselor and send a PDF of the filled out form to her, but I will also have her call the college and explain the circumstances. I have also heard that colleges will call about any missing information, but open up a dialog just in case.</p>

<p>Yes, Oregon.</p>

<p>I am reassured by some of the earlier posts. And I am confident that the teachers will get their recommendations in whether or not they are in school. (My D has had wonderful and very professional teachers.) Apparently the school report is already in. That leaves transcripts and counselor recommendation. I’m not sure that anyone business office will go out of the way to take care of transcripts (not even sure they are in today). And I suspect the GC will not do that recommendation from home-- well-meaning but not necessarily on top of things, GC did not even notify daughter of NMSF status until I contacted the school after reading it in the paper.</p>

<p>The GC recommendation is usually part of the school report, so you won’t have to worry about the GC.</p>

<p>Snowed in again here too…wonder if the family will have anything to actually open on Christmas Day. I have never been so late…
We are snowed/iced in and more is coming down. Now of course this is inches, not feet, as it might be in other parts of the country. But this is cold for us!</p>

<p>mom58–I understand that as long as your D has her part of the app in she is fine. Seems the most important thing is that the GC and Teachers have the forms and the stamped addressed envelopes but then when they actually get sent is out of your D’s hands as ellemope
said. S’s HS transcript was sent out by the office staff with the GC’s report but do not know if that is typical. Good luck to you D! Bet it will be fine but don’t you just hate this stress? I was awake one night with such anxiety over some part of S’s app. that I was unhappy about and it was already sent…it worked out fine as my DH said it would when he had to talk me down…LOL</p>


<p>I am very confident that you are fine - it will slow down the evaluation of the application by a few days but other than that, I don’t think there will be any impact. Failure (for whatever reason) on the part of other people to get some portion of the information in on time is not going to result in your DD being penalized. After all, she can’t control other people’s activities. Now if it was 3 months late, I can imagine that would be a different story - but a few days - they probably won’t even notice.</p>

<p>We’re dealing with no school this week too, here in Portland. My D is going stir-crazy.</p>

<p>4 days now.</p>

<p>D called two admissions offices this morning. Both said no problem, so she didn’t call the third with application due before the end of winter break.</p>

<p>Aha, you live in the Seattle area, don’t you?</p>

<p>Mom 58, we’re on day 4 too but the school secretary was there today, so we could get the transcript requests in–yea!!! There is currently a movie marahon (Adam Sandler?) happening in my family room…many teenage boys…</p>

<p>Wonder if tomorrow will be day 5? And then two more weeks for break. That’s a long time…!</p>

<p>Our school district just robo called all seniors telling them to call the college admission offices and let them know. If we don’t have school tomorrow my daughter will be calling</p>

<p>Atleast you aren’t in New England. After the ice storm last thursday many still do not have power, over 1.3 million lost it total. A lot of the schools have cancelled school until after break. I have friends who are freaking out about getting apps in when they dont have power.</p>



<p>That is rough, if you’re saying they can’t finish writing their essays.</p>

<p>Does anyone’s house or parents’ business have a generator for backup power? </p>

<p>If your house has power (in that you are typing to CC), can you let friends come over and work in your house?</p>

<p>Parents in other northerly regions, this is a good time to have your kids print out hard copies of all their drafts, in case you get a big storm or power failure in the coming days or weeks. At least they can continue to work on apps, if only by candlelight.</p>

<p>S’s school out again tomorrow (today). He is so.o.o bored. We have been out a few afternoons. D was able to change her flight from JFK and arrived tonight vs trying to get in tomorrow night. Jet Blue waived the change fee as they are expecting weather problems on Friday night. paying3tuitions–good ideas about the drafts and all.</p>