<p>I have asked both of my teachers to submit a recommendation online but for some unknown reason, one of them has yet to even begin. I'm afraid that she may not do it before the January 1 deadline. What should I do? Should I just submit the application anyway?</p>
<p>^^^Yuppers!, Just submit it. It is not your fault. I attended a Caltech webinar and they said that the applicant should complete the application and submit it by 1st January, teacher recommendations are the teachers’ headache and the applicant should follow up with them when the break ends.</p>
<p>BTW, I belong to Caltech’s class of 2013.</p>
<p>Thanks a lot, i really appreciate the help</p>
<p>You are welcome.</p>
<p>So, I actually have 3 teacher recommendations to choose from.</p>
<p>Two of them are done over the internet, and one has already been sent via snailmail.</p>
<p>If I happen to select on commonapp.org the two internet as the ones for X school, then what happens when they receive all 3 recs? Do they read all 3 or do they pick the 2 I selected?</p>
<p>They will read all three since they do not know which one contains the best information about the applicant.</p>
<p>Is your application considered incomplete if one of the recommendation forms arrives after the deadline?</p>
<p>I was actually gonna make a thread and ask this exact question. </p>
<p>My counselor said he’d finish my papers last friday, but he hasn’t. And now with the holidays and all, i don’t know if he will do it before the 1st. </p>
<p>So you’re saying that it wont matter if he submits it after Jan 1?</p>
<p>Im curious about this also</p>
<p>Haha had the same question, so thanks :p</p>
<p>I also wanted to add one: I accidently hit “I do not waive my rights” so because that teacher hadn’t started I figured I’d delete hers and resent a “I waive my rights” request. Now it says the request was Assigned (sent) on December 28th… Can colleges see this and will it look bad? Should I put a little note in the additional info section explaining the ORIGINAL request was sent early December?</p>
<p>Thanks, and maybe I’m nitpicking haha</p>
<p>It will look bad if you sent it any later than September…</p>
<p>So in that case, it looks equally bad? :p</p>
<p>It WAS a serious question. Can colleges see I requested it on the 28th when in fact the teacher knew about it since early December. </p>
<p>I just want to know because IF she doesn’t have it in by the deadline (there are still 3-4 days left, so hopefully she will do it; I’ve sent emails and what not, but don’t see her as we’re on break, AND reminded her 3-4 times) , would this be seen as my fault (because as far as they know, I sent a request last minute)? Or something out of my control?</p>
<p>Just curious on your opinions, and yes I realize I am probably over-thinking hahaha</p>
<p>Astonisher, she doesn’t have to have sent it in by the deadline. And the college isn’t going to care when you asked her to write a rec; that’s between you and her.</p>
<p>saammie and pjflirty, it’s ok if they send their recs in after the deadline. The important thing to have in by the deadline is your application and supplement.</p>
<p>sunrise, your application will be considered incomplete until your college has every part of it, including recs and transcripts and test scores. That does not mean they’ll chuck it out. They just won’t start reviewing your application until it’s complete, and they’ll send you a nag message if your application is still incomplete within one to three weeks after the deadline.</p>
<p>ducky and john, yeah, what synchrotron said.</p>
<p>synchrotron, congrats on your acceptance to Caltech.</p>
<p>All righty, thanks for the help geek_mom… haha I’m at the point where I’m question EVERY single little thing that may appear “irresponsible”</p>
<p>You’ll be fine. Good luck with those applications!</p>
<p>Thanks for the answer. I feel much calmer now.</p>