School Of Management Questions

I just had a few questions regarding the SOM. So, if there are any SOM students or ex students that know the answers to these questions, that would be great. Thanks in advance

First off, I understand that out of high school the SOM accepts approximately 200 or so students. Is that the number that is enrolled each year or accepted? I know the PWC scholors program accepts 10% of this total so approx 20-25 or so students are PWC scholors but I was not sure if the 200 per year was enrolled or accepted.

Second, I was reading on rate my professor that a certain professor favored the PWC students over the “other” SOM students. I will not mention any names, however, I was curious as to how a professor would know who is a PWC student, and who is not. Do the PWC students wear a neon sign or a gold star on their shirt? lol I understand that a professor may know some of the students if he or she is their advisor or runs the PWC progam, but otherwise, how would a professor know?

Finally, I was wondering how many student each year are chosen for interships by the big 4 accounting firms. For instance. Doew EY take 20 students per year? Does KPMG take 10 per year on average? I was curious because I know BING has great recruiting but other SUNY’S have great recruiting as well such as Albany, and Buffalo. I was always curious how many students received internships from each school. Also, I mean all offices, not just the EY offiice in Manhattan but all over NYS.

What this does is give me an idea how all of the top suny business schools stack up against one another with regard to accounting recruiting.

I gather I can get some of these figures from Binghamton, however, I am not sure that they would be willing to just fork it over so I thought maybe some folks in the accounting program would know.

Thanks !!

Hey, I am currently a freshman in SOM and PwC Scholars as well. 200 students enroll, so take their rate of enrollment and you can figure out how many are accepted. I came in with subpar expectations, but SOM has blown me away. They constantly prepare you for the business world and the recruiting is insane. I have a fall internship currently and am getting mentored by Deloitte next semester. As for treatment, I have not noticed anything special. Definitely should not be a make or break detail to come to bing.


Thanks for the info. I just had a few questions for you.

First, I was curious what your stats were to get into the SOM from high school. I assume you got in as a high school student.

Second, how do you have an internship program when you did not even take an accounting course yet? That is great but I thought that most internships at a big 4 firm are in the jr or sr year when you have had a decent amount of accounting courses under your belt.

Finally, how do you like the program. Is it ultra cut throat? Or, do students want to work together?

Thanks for your help!!

stats were alright. most PwC kids are 33 and up on act, 3.75 and up gpa, and great ECs. SOM in general is usually 30 and up, 3.6 and up, great ECs. My current internship is not with a big 4, and next semester i am doing a leadership program with Deloitte, not an internship. And PwC kids are not cut throat at all. We all work together for sure


Thanks Again. My son is a jr in high school. He took the act twice and got a 32 33 superscore, but Bing does not superscore. I am just hoping he gets into the SOM. I am not concerned about PWC. It would be nice, but he may not want to be in pwc. He is not into more writing courses as much. But you never know. Admissions is a crazy business. I have seen students get in with a 28 act and students with a 31 act get waitlisted with similar gpa’s etc so who knows what goes through the mind of a admissions counselor.

Just curious. I have gone on numerous sites to get a conversion chart for gpa’s. All of them (Princeton) say that a 3.5 is a 90 and it goes from there. For instance a 3.7 would be a 92 average and a 4.0 would be a 95-100. I was just curious if you agree with that. For some reason, on the Bing website under admissions, they have a 3.3 as a 90 gpa or something like that. I do not know what scale they use, but I believe they are off. Everyone I speak to and read about has 3.0 as an 85 for instance, 3.3 would be a 88 3.5 a 90 etc etc.

Thanks Again

Honestly I have no idea. I had a 4.14 weighted, and I am still not even sure what the total possible was in my high school…4.5 maybe? It is all random I would say. Just compare to students in his respective high school that are on his same gpa scale.