School of Nursing and Health Sciences at UM

<p>Few questions for those who know in this forum:
1. How is the School of Health Sciences at UM? Anyone have any experience with the quality and difficulty of the academics in the pre professional school or health science general track?
2. Anyone know how much Florida prepaid tuition is worth per year at UM?
3. What is the student population like in terms of ethnic and socioeconomic diversity? UM used to have a national reputation of being full of spoiled rich kids. What is the reputation or actuality today? Does it feel like you are in a latin country (everyone speaking Spanish) as it does in many areas of Miami?</p>

<p>Pre-paid is $2,464.50 for the year.</p>

<p>Florida residents may also qualify for the FRAG. I had never heard of this grant until I saw it in my daughter's financial award letter.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I wonder if FRAG would be disbursed without filing a FAFSA first (which we would never do). Thank you for the info on prepaid though.
Does anyone know about the general track of the Health Sciences department?</p>

<p>UM does not disburse any funds (scholarships, grants, etc.) until the FAFSA is complete. </p>

<p>The student population is very diverse in both ethnic and socioeconomic status. Son has friends of every race, nationality and social class. You will hear a wide range of different languages spoken on campus, although, unlike most of Miami, it is predominatly English. To me anyway, campus feels more like a Carribbean resort.</p>

<p>Here is a link to an article on the nursing school. Hope it helps.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Thanks for trying My-3-sons. Unfortunately the article dosen't say anything about the Health Sciences dept. which my daughter is looking into....only the Nursing School. Although I love being an RN, she has NO desire to go that route.</p>

<p>University of Miami is still a rich kid's school. You see BMWs, Audis, Benzes, etc.. around campus. Heck you can even see Ferraris and Lamborghinis and Bentleys too.</p>

<p>The people are affluent and aren't afraid to show it off. That being said, not everyone is stuck-up and arrogant. There are plenty of nice people there too</p>