<p>Okay, so I've tried this before but didn't really get any responses. So, I'm currently a sophomore looking to transfer for Fall 2010. Right now the school of most interest to me is American University, as I was actually accepted there as a transfer last spring but couldn't go for a bunch of reasons. I'm planning on reapplying to AU as well as Northeastern (as a safety) and NYU (a little bit of a stretch, but probably not much). Has anyone transfered to any of these? Opinions? If not, anyone have any other similar school recommendations? I know AU is much different than NYU and NEU, but I'm really just looking for middle/large sized private university in an urban area. I just NEED to get out of my current school as it's too easy academically, in the middle of nowhere, and has a really immature, close-minded social environment. </p>
<p>My stats:
-I have a 3.85 GPA at a large public four-year university. I'm expecting a 3.9/4.0 this semester and would presumably get something similar next semester, and before I transfer I'll have (presumably, again) completed 60 credits. My main problem with my school is the courses are too easy, even upper level class where I'm one of the few sophomores.
-I work part-time
-I'm a DJ and director at my school's radio station
-I graduated in the top 15% of a private college-prep high school, but my SATs weren't too great - about 1850ish/2400</p>
<p>Lastly, I'm an English major. So yeah, any ideas? Thanks!</p>