School Spirit...

<p> retarded. My school has this "news program" where they show news from around the school. Every time I see it I feel embarrassed to be a part of our school. The pep rallies? I hate them. Does anyone on this forum actually have school spirit? And if so, then answer me this: what's the point? I will be at this school for four years, and then I'm gone (California :)). I plan on distancing myself as far as possible from where I currently live. There's too many memories (not good ones)...</p>

<p>So, what's the point of school spirit?</p>

<p>I don’t know either.
I despise my school with a passion. I hate pep rallies, but then again, so does my school’s entire band, since regardless of how much we play for the teams and the school we a disregarded and never reconized.
My school’s “news network” is horrible, to say the least.</p>

<p>well i hate to be the positive one in this post but… school spirit is a way to connect with others in your school, pep rallies are a way to give sports players confidence that they have a chance at winning…i love school spirit cause it makes me feel apart of the school…im a new student and its my senior year yet i still want to be apart of the school spirit even though i really dont know any of these people well.</p>

<p>“pep rallies are a way to give sports players confidence that they have a chance at winning…”</p>

<p>Funniest thing I’ve heard on this forum by far.</p>

<p>school spirit at high school is kinda dumb, but for college it’s a lot of fun… not really pep rallies, but the football/basketball games…</p>

<p>I hate pep rallies too. </p>

<p>Also, zero school spirit here.</p>

<p>I have somewhat of school spirit. Pep rallies are kinda fun, but they should be more about different parts of the school, not just sports.</p>

<p>School spirit is really dumb lolz. Its a WASTE of your time. You could be learning instead of going “WOOT OUR TEAM ROCKS”, and when asked why ur team rocks, ur like “CAUSE THEY ARE AWESOME!!!”.</p>

<p>I hate how it’s only sprots teams that are reconized at pep assemblies.
It’s like, they’re the only one special enough to get an assembly for them,</p>

<p>I love you OP because I feel the EXACT same way. What’s the point? It’s so stupid, pointless and boring. I’m just here to learn and do extracurriculars, I don’t need to make a fool out of myself and go crazy in addition to that. I just want out of here this god forsaken school (which is ironic because its a christian school)</p>

<p>Maybe going to a christian school as an athiest wasn’t the best idea…</p>

<p>^ That’s hillarious.</p>

<p>That made the rest of my day. I’ve seen/read some pretty hillarious things today.</p>

<p>Pep rallies can be entertaining because we occasionally have cheerleader performances at them and going to an all-guys school, that’s something we don’t get to see very often. Ah, we have tons of religious ceremonies as well (Catholic School ftl!), but those aren’t too bad, since usually they’re quite quiet (unlike our deafening rallies) and you can usually sleep right through them.</p>

<p>I don’t care at all for gridiron or any of the other silly sports so whenever those are emphasized I’m bored to tears (literally, lol) and usually can’t dream then, so there I’m not too great a fan…</p>

<p>Moodrets, it’s amazing how similar your school and mine are.</p>

<p>Our pep rallies are pure travesties, so I spend most of the time we are forced to be in them laughing at the major amounts of failure contained within.</p>

<p>Wow, really sucks for you all… our Pep assemblies are a lot of fun, and not just the sports are recognized.</p>

<p>We just have a lot of spirit in general. Why do I like it? Well, at my school at least, it’s just fun is all.</p>

<p>I’m always stuck in the pep band at them. I’m not too big of a fan of playing in pep band to begin with, then when we’re never reconized regardless of it we place or do well at competitions. </p>

<p>Ironically enough, the “pep” band has the least pep in the school.</p>

<p>I’m in the jazz band at my school, which exists in place of an ordinary marching band. I’m also one of the few people that go to every football game, and so often I hear people complain about the lack of a band. The funny thing is that most high school bands suck and play incredibly lame songs. I don’t think there would be anywhere near enough demand to have an actual marching band.</p>

<p>I love school spirit. I mean, what’s not to like? We have a week where we dress ridiculously (wacky day, tacky day, pajama day, cowboy day, and more “spirit-y” days like class color and school color) and then we dance like promiscuously at homecoming. But everyone at my school goes for 6 years, and each class is so much smaller by the time everyone graduates because so many people get kicked out, so maybe we feel more like a unit. </p>

<p>Btw, I <em>am</em> on a “sports” team, but it’s academic quiz team, so I don’t think it counts. Oh, and my favorite emotion is esprit de corps, so maybe I was just made for school spirit.</p>

<p>well, i bet if you talked to your administrators at your school to recognize extracurriculars, i think they would go for it…thats my thought on it</p>