School Starts August 29-URGENT PLEASE HELP

<p>I was already admitted and was suppose to go this fall to IU-Bloomington, but I am still unsure. I was leaning heavily toward not going because I missed the automatic scholarship deadline when I applied. I want to cancel my admission and reapply so that I meet the deadline and get the scholarship. I called each office to tell me if I was eligible to receive the scholarship if I reapplyed. 2 offices said yes but 1 office said no. I've called all week to each office like 6 times. What should I do?
My next step will probably be getting a written statement from the office that says that if I reapply I am GUARANTEED the scholarship. Will getting a written statment from them stating that I WILL get the scholarship if I cancel then reapply be enough of a guarantee that I will get the scholarship because I don't know which office to trust. Please help.
I am going to visit on Monday. Is it possible to go to one office and then tell them to give me a written statement guaranteeing me the scholarship so that I can use that in case, for whatever reason, they don't give it to me ? And if they do give me a statement, but don't give me the scholarship, can I take legal action against them ? Automatic</a> Academic Scholarships: Office of Scholarships: Indiana University Bloomington</p>

<p>Scholarships get cut all the time. Standards are changed too. You do run that risk if you reapply but if you don’t have the $, you don’t have the $. I think reapplying makes sense.</p>

<p>Lose the attitude. When you talk to them, avoid words like “guarantee.” Don’t “tell them” to give you a letter. Above all, do not come anywhere close to talking about “legal action.” Exactly what do you think you’d sue them for? They didn’t do anything wrong; YOU were the one who missed the clearly-stated deadline. You are in no position to tell them what to do, or to demand anything. </p>

<p>Start with the Office of Scholarships. ASK: If you were to withdraw for this year and re-apply for next year, would you still be eligible for the scholarship? Ask if they have a written policy on this situation, and if so, could you <em>please</em> (use the word) have a copy for your records? Be polite and professional, and say “thank you” to everyone you talk to, including the receptionist.</p>

<p>School starts August 29. This is going to sound “harsh” but surely you have known about this “issue” for a long while. It seems like you don’t have the money to attend this college this year. If that is the case, you should take a gap year, and then reapply to colleges (note…plural) as an incoming freshman next year. Keep your options open for schools other than this one. You might just find a school with a better merit award than the one UI Bloomington is offering you. And reality check…that “guaranteed” scholarship which is available THIS year just might NOT be next year. I do not believe a school can make a guarantee for the 2012-2012 school year for anyone now.</p>

<p>And P.S…you know this…but NEVER miss a DEADLINE again.</p>

<p>I think you guys misunderstood me. I am reapplying before November 1st of THIS year so that scholarship IS guaranteed if I reapply and meet the deadline. The problem is that every time I speak to an office they give me a DIFFERENT answer. For example the office of student financial assistance says that they look at the first date you use even if I were to cancel my enrollment and reapply next year. So even if I meet the November 1st deadline this year, they would still use the November 10th date from last year. That absolutely makes NO sense to me. The office of scholarships and admissions agrees with me. They said I WOULD get it if I reapply and met the deadline. So who should I trust? How can I resolve this so that I am ABSOLUTELY sure?</p>

<p>On the website it says ALL INCOMING freshmen get the scholarship if they meet the criteria. I meet the criteria so I don’t know why each office is giving me different answers. I just want one final answer. How do I get that ONE FINAL answer?</p>

<p>What if I do get a written policy for my records that says that I will receive it if I meet the deadline, but I still don’t get the scholarship. What then?</p>

<p>Bob…right now are you still listed as a matriculated student? If so…that is likely your problem. You are already on the list for THIS school year. Until you pull yourself OFF of the list, you likely will not be considered an “incoming freshman” for NEXT fall. Just guessing here.</p>

<p>Have you tried asking the question by email? My experience with a couple of colleges is that going in person you quite often get a student worker or someone else that knows the answer to general questions, but does not really know the answer to something out of the ordinary. I have found that by sending an email to the department I get a response from an actual official who knows the answer to the question. </p>

<p>For instance it was impossible to discover the COA at my son’s school (we wanted to know for 529 account withdrawal purposes) even though the front desk FA people were very pleasant and doing their best (they seemed to know less about how FA works than I do). Once I sent an email to the FA department, I got an answer from an actual FA officer and got the information I needed. I have found emailing to get me a more accurate answer in several instances.</p>



<p>Bob, you already know the answer. The website says in the very first sentence that the deadline was November 1. You missed the deadline. NOW your question is: Will that offer apply to re-applying students next year? The Scholarship Office should know this. Start with them.</p>

<p>Just curious about one thing. IU’s payment for Fall 2011 was due on August 10th. Have you already paid the fall semester bill? This is the 3rd thread you have initiated about this problem and you get the same answers each time. If you are going to withdraw your admittance and reapply, you should pay close attention to thumper1’s advice and apply to several schools in order to keep your options open.</p>

<p>Keep calling and asking and being so persistent. They will look at your new application that you send in by Nov, 1, remember you, and just find a good reason not to accept you. Problem solved for them. Nothing is a guarantee in life. Holding a school hostage to giving you a scholarship is not the way to endear yourself or look like the type of student they want to have as an alum one day. I am sure there would be something from other applicants to make them more qualified than you, so that the school doesn’t even have to justify rejecting you. That’s how I would handle such a pushy student demanding a scholarship or using legal action. Remember, it’s ACCEPTED incoming freshman who are guaranteed the scholarships if they qualify.</p>



<p>Actually the question might be: will that offer apply to re-admitted students since you would technically be dropping out of the school and asking to be admitted again. You need to talk to the highest person of authority in the financial aid/scholarship office.</p>

<p>Also you may be confused:</p>



<p>So it sounds like you are just automatically considered for a scholarship, not that you automatically receive one.</p>



<p>Then you don’t attend. That’s why you need to apply to other schools as well as IU. </p>

<p>The way you phrased the question, it sounds like you still think you have a legal entitlement to a scholarship. You don’t. Their obligation ended on Nov. 2.</p>

<p>You haven’t accepted responsibility for this situation. IU doesn’t owe you anything for 2011-12. Whether or not they owe you anything for 2012-13 will depend on what their policies are for that year (not this year), and whether re-admitted students are eligible. And, of course, whether you fulfill your obligations, such as applying by the deadline.</p>

<p>Guys, I am going to orientation tomorrow for 2 days because tomorrow is the last date they have, plus it is required for students attending this year. I am going because I can’t call offices until Monday and not going would be too much of a risk. Are there any specific things I should ask while I am there?</p>

<p>I don’t think that they will look at you as a new student for freshman admissions, but rather a previously admitted student who did not attend. Somewhere on the application, they will ask if you have previously applied to the school. Keep in mind that schools hold applications on file for up to 2 years, so withdrawing and reapplying may not necessarily get you a guaranteed scholarship.</p>

<p>If you’re going to Bloomington on Monday, you might as well get it sorted out then. </p>

<p>READ and ABSORB the comments above. Use a lot of ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. Be prepared for a zoo parade in the admissions & financial aid offices, with the staff trying to handle situations much more dire than yours. If, at the end of the day, you get enough information to make a decision to either attend this year or withdraw, consider yourself fortunate. Good luck to you.</p>

<p>BobSponge, how did it go yesterday?</p>