<p>I really like those tabs that separate your classes in your binder. I have these ones that have pockets on the front and back of each tab, which is really handy. I’ve had them for four years, but for some reason I can’t find them anymore so I keep using them year after year… I think I have to get news ones pretty soon. It’s a good thing they’re plastic though, paper ones would’ve been long gone by now.</p>
<p>I’ve attempted to use one big binder for notes and one of those 10-slot folder things. Didn’t work.
One binder to fit 4 subjects, one binder for 1 single subject. Didn’t work.
1 folder-binder thing and 3-5 subject notebook per subject. Too much junk to carry around.</p>
<p>So this year, I’m going to attempt a small binder and a 1 subject notebook per subject. Hopefully, it should work. THat means I’ll have to take 5 binders and a laptop to school, though So far I’ve ordered online a</p>
<p>-20x14x5 bag (Hello Kitty Monotone Boston Bag :D)
-two hello kitty mechanical pencils
-a hello kitty pen (I’m overloading on the cuteness this year, I know)
-a Chococat Stitch notebook (The same size as a composition book so I can use it as my lab notebook <3).</p>
<p>I already have:
-a TI-89 (which I have no idea how to use, so I’ll probably check out a TI-84+ from my school- they have a supply for every student, we’re a very technologically inclined school)
-My school provides all of us a laptop with all of our textbooks loaded on it
-I’m picking up a 4x9 pencil pouch at Barnes and Noble today that we reserved online
-tons of Looseleaf paper
-tons of Colored pencils</p>
<p>Now I need(stopping by staples today, possibly):
-4 1-subject notebooks
-4 1-inch binders
-1 2-inch binder
-8 or more notecard packs(3x5) (We’ll be using nearly 800 notecards this year just for US History alone)
-20 or more dividers
-3 hole punch (The kind that fits into binders. They’re crap, but they come in handy)
-Post-it notes</p>
<p>I’ve thought about this a lot, as you can see :P</p>
A 3 ring binder and folder for every class (I think I have 5 classes?
A box with files for storage of old papers
That’s about it… </p>
<p>I hate binders. I hate notebooks / binders that are to be used for multiple subjects. The whole thing scares me. So disorganized, in my opinion.</p>
<p>I never go shopping until I’m a bit into the classes and can see what I’m going to need. If I go early, I end up with notebooks for classes where we never really do anything notable.
I get regular sized notebooks for important classes and mini-notebooks for classes where I need to pretend I’m serious about the subject, like French or stupid reqs like Time to Speak.
I have to get a binder for Chem AP, it’s required, but I’m usually anti-binder. They’re quite big and cumbersome to carry around, but for chem we have so many papers that even back in 10th grade AA, I had to have a binder at home.
Besides that, I get a few pens, a <em>ton</em> of mechanical pencils and a folder for pretty much every class. I usually don’t buy paper because I mooch off of others or use notebook paper.</p>
<p>My school starts a week before every other public school and more than that before all the private schools, so I never have to start shopping early. I got to Target. When I was little, I did all my elementary school shopping, clothes and supplies, in Maryland way before the rush.</p>
<p>I didn’t know other schools did this! In my school, we do 500 note cards for APUSH. My sister offered to sell me hers for a dime per, and I wish I had, even though it would have been 50 bucks. Note cards suck!</p>
<p>i found that binders take up a lot of space… i’d have a big binder at home and use notebooks and files, one for each subject for school. well, the big binder thing i used for APUSH… because it was what my hist teacher wanted. and then i’d just get new files once i filled one up. that way, if i ever needed to retrieve past papers for teachers, i knew i had them with me, no matter what.</p>
<p>i normally just use a 1" binder and a one-subject notebook per class, but I’m starting a new school (obviously), so I have no idea what I’ll need.</p>
<p>i just use those sturdy plastic folders since they take up less room in my backpack and don’t cause my back to break … , 1 per two classes which are similar because i always double up on my core courses and those pilot pens, the v5’s <3
a planner because our school decided to buy plasma’s instead of supplying us with those things. -.-
highlighters! and paper plus a BIG binder for home.
a secret pocket thing for my backpack to stash my gameboy in, teachers always find it somehow … =/</p>
<p>Manu: Haha, seriously, it’s make things ten times easier if I did We don’t have lockers either, so I have to tote everything around. last year I had one of those huuuuuge victoria’s secret totes. This list is actually like, a third of the stuff one of my middle school required, too. I hated that school :p</p>
<p>Millancad: This isn’t even APUSH (My school doesn’t offer APs since junior and senior year are taken completely over at our local college), it’s just Honors US History for 10th graders. My teacher’s insane, though, so that might explain it haha. This year US History is going to be year-long, but last year we had both Hon. World History and Hon. Civics & Econ in the year…with about 800 notecards each for a semester? X.x 1600 notecards in a year. Horrible horrible, haha.</p>
<p>Oh, and I’m buying ahead because the only new teachers I have this year are my Latin and English :] So I know all the things I need for my science, math, and s.s. courses.</p>
<p>OH, and TONS of printer paper, because I type out all of my notes, it worked last year for biology, so I’m doing it for all of my classes now. Except for math, obviously.)</p>
<p>And I’m also buying student docket (like a homework app) for my blackberry :]</p>