Schooool forms problem!


<p>i submitted my application,supplement and payment on the 30th of October. the application and supplement has changed status to 'downloaded' but the payment is still 'submitted'.</p>

<p>the status of my school forms is 'not all submitted'. Since I am an international applicant from Malaysia, I sent in my school forms via courier ( postmarked 29th October ). I checked with the courier company and they said that the shipment was successfully delivered on the 3rd of Nov. </p>

<p>will it take some time before the status on the common app changes.
do i need to contact Stanford just to make sure whether they received my documents. Or should i just wait a few weeks and see..</p>


<p>just wait a few weeks and see. stanford will give you a way to check the status of your application. the common application will remain “not all submitted” because of mid-year reports/etc (i don’t know what additional paperwork international applicants have).</p>

<p>If your teacher chose not submit online then they will have to chose opt out from their email notification.</p>

<p>From your comm app form you can see
"This teacher has opted to submit paper school forms. You will need to print out the teacher evaluation form in PDF and provide it to your teacher so that it can be completed on paper and mailed to each institution to which you apply. "
As long as the post stamp is before Nov 1 then you are perfect fine, even if a teacher submited a little late, college said “it is out of student control”, so they will give a few days reasonable extensions</p>