Scores for Stanford University

<p>Do i have a chance at stanford university?
I have a composite score of 800m and 600v
SAT II math IIc and Biology M in Nov, gurantee dual 700+ (i am pretty sure :))
GPA 4.0
ECs are alright
International Student from Canada
Is my score too low??????????
I am applying soon????
so frustrated!!!! F#$%$#@ verbal score was so Low!!!!!</p>

<p>might want to retake once more in december to bring up verbal- even a 650 or 700 is much better looking</p>

<p>Personal Quote: "Contemplate A Super-Philosophy"</p>

<p>yea, you should definitely retake the SAT. you'll have a better chance.</p>

<p>this isnt the best place to post (go to the chances forum)</p>

<p>anyway - redo SAT like the others said
also, explain ur EC's more
they seem to b very important for stanford</p>