Scripps College vs Northeastern University for Econ

Hey guys! Iโ€™m having a hard time choosing between NEU and Scripps, and was hoping to get some advice from people that know more info about the school. For reference, Iโ€™m an Econ major and want to go into business consulting after college.

Pros- Top school this admissions cycle. I love the campus, Socal, and the opportunity to study at the 5Cโ€™s. Pretty prestigious and I honestly did not think Iโ€™d get in. I know itโ€™s very popular within academia, and a lot of the girls that go there get MBAs from other prestigious schools
Cons- I am concerned about the job opportunities that I can get directly out of undergrad. Itโ€™s really expensive, and while the cost isnโ€™t an end-all-be-all, I want to get the most bang for my buck. Also, I want to work and intern while in college, so idk if Claremont as a location will offer me that luxury.

Pros- I got in for Econ and IR, which was a double major I wanted to pursue. The Co-op program will give me the opportunity to work while in school, and econ has a direct co-op with Mckinsey, so lots of focus in business consulting. Also in Boston, so the opportunities are numerous.
Cons- I got in for NUBound, so my first year would be in London. Idk much about the program so if anyone knows more abt that it would be rly helpful. Also, NEU has a poor reputation in that itโ€™s overenrolled and unorganized. I donโ€™t do well in cold weather(hello seasonal depression!), so Boston may not be the best for me.

Both are really expensive and I want to be able to pay my parents back in the future, so job opportunities out of college is really important for me. I think a lot of my reservations come from not being well informed about either school, so please enlighten me if u can!! Thanks!

I think you need to think about the day to day experience because you canโ€™t possibly find 2 schools that have less in common than these two, IMO.

All female vs co-ed?
936 students vs almost 20K?
Claremont (pop. 36K) vs Boston (pop. 680K+)?
No snowy winter vs annual average of 4โ€™ of snow?

You really need to think about what the difference in your life is like at one as opposed to the other. What makes one person happy would be torture to someone else.


40 inches!

In terms of your interest in economics, these analyses may be of interest:

My son is a combined Econ/Business major at Northeastern. He likes his classes (Econ more than Business). With the co-op program you can do co-ops in other US cities or globally so thatโ€™s one way to minimize the harsh winters. They have student housing in some locations such as Mountain View, CA. NU is overenrolled but not unorganized. The class sizes are still small. The biggest change would be increased occupancy in dorms but as a London student Iโ€™m not sure if that would affect you. Many students live off-campus junior and senior years. Talking to a friend whose son goes to our state flagship, she thinks communication is bad re advising and preparing for internships whereas at NU you will take a co-op class that will assist you. London is a great city. I enjoyed my study abroad there many years ago.

I am sure Scripps and its weather are very appealing, so good luck with your choice.

I did a quick Google that came up with this. I live in (real) Upstate NY and I stop keeping track at 2โ€™ here :cold_face::snowflake:

Go where you find the best fit, assuming the price difference is not meaningful. If you thrive, the opportunities will come. I can assure you, all the big consultancies actively recruit from the Claremont Colleges.

My daughter is a sophomore at Scripps. We are from Boston. One thing I think that is important to keep in mind is that it doesnโ€™t feel like an all womens college in the same way a place like Smith or Wellesley would. My daughter takes classes at Pomona which she can walk to. She has men in all of her classes (except CORE which is unique to Scripps) and the dining is across the 5Cs so meals are coed as well.

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The schools are different, but the differences may not be as stark as you suggest.

  • Scripps is bordered on all sides by co-ed institutions, and classes and dining are co-ed. (as @VVsmom pointed out.)
  • Claremont Colleges have over 9000 students.
  • Claremont is in LA county (population 10M), and is a Metrolink stop.
  • No snow in Claremont but snowy mountains (and skiing) are suprisingly close by.