<p>Here's my dillemma.</p>
<p>I wanna go to a fun, lively college, but also one with good academics.</p>
<p>I want to major in mechanical engineering.</p>
<p>I know for sure that I can get into SDSU and ASU, but not very likely with UCSB.</p>
<p>Should I take my first two years at SBCC and transfer to UCSB, or just go straight to SDSU/ASU? Is it frownd upon to transfer from a community college?</p>
<p>Any answers?
<p>It is not frowned upon at all to transfer. If your real goal is UCSB, then you should absolutely do community college for 2 years and then transfer.</p>
<p>I know many people that did 2 years, transferred to a UC, then went on to grad school, med school, etc.</p>
<p>I’m Afraid I won’t get the same college experience at sbcc though :(</p>
<p>You won’t, at a community college. SDSU and ASU are real party schools, so choose those if the fun college experience is more important to you. If you place higher importance on education, then go the SBCC route (and UCSB isn’t bad at all for parties either…)</p>
<p>Definitely apply to UCSB anyways though to see if you can get in! It doesn’t hurt to try.</p>
<p>I went to SBCC and just got into sdsu for fall 12…but I highly recommend SBCC!</p>
<p>You’ve started many threads about your college choices. If I remember correctly, your family is very low income and you’re instate for Calif. Going to an OOS public like ASU isn’t going to work…especially as a transfer…very little aid.</p>
<p>You can’t ignore the money situation. Money isn’t going to fall from the sky. And ASU isn’t going to be affordable…especially as a transfer student.</p>
<p>Have you given up on becoming a Physical Therapist or are you considering MechE as a back up plan?</p>
<p>Since you qualify for Cal Grants and Pell, you need to stick with Calif publics. So, if you want a full college life…choose a UC or a good CSU…like San Diego.</p>