Second Alumni Rec?

<p>The father of a good friend of mine is actually a Brown alum and I was wondering if it might be a good idea to ask him for a letter of recommendation (strangely enough, the alumni who interviewed me knew him as well)? Might this help me application of just seem unnecessary? I know that Brown highly values the “character” of an individual, so this might help shed more light as to my character.</p>

<p>Just because someone is a Brown Alum does not mean that they necessarily have authority to reflect on who you are or credence with the admissions office. Do not send another rec it will only distract them.</p>

<p>Well alumni interviewers are chosen on the basis that they are simply alumni (and they volunteer). They serve that exact purpose, so I don’t see how this would be any different.</p>

<p>Alumni interviewers are specially trained to write recommendations - this person is not. Still, the alumni interviewers’ recommendations are not weighted heavily. I imagine this person’s recommendation would be weighted much, much less. Also, there is a reason why alumni interviewers are not allowed to know you: they cannot be objective. The admissions office gets tons of recs from people who ask alumni for one just because they are alumni. </p>

<p>I’m not trying to be harsh, but you asked whether this is a good idea, and I’m telling you unequivocally that it’s not.</p>

<p>Okay, I see your point now.
Thank you for the input :)</p>



<p>Not really. </p>

<p>If this person offered to write a rec for you, could add information that is not already in your file, or has some clout with admissions, it would be OK. If not – then it’s not going to help you much.</p>

<p>That was sort of the intention. I didn’t really feel I manage to express why I want to go to Brown that much in my actual interview, and I was thinking that that would provide me a good opportunity to do so.</p>

<p>I don’t think it will be bad! Yes, tell him to do the rec, that may help you. one never knows.</p>

<p>You should have expressed that reason in your application; a rec from an alum is not the place for that info to emerge.</p>