See your RD Competition for Yale

<p>With the application in, my anxiety about Yale is building. Would you care to chance me (although Yale admissions can be arbitrary and impossible to chance)? Can you tell me good, average, or bad shot? Thanks. I will try to list everything.</p>

SAT 1: Math- 800 CR- 730 Writing- 750 Composite- 2280
ACT: Composite- 32 Composite Superscore- 33
SAT II: Math II- 770, BiologyM- 750, US History- 740 <em>I think these are a weakness</em>
GPA: 4.00 UW, 5.89 W
AP: Calculus AB-5 Bio- 5 US Hist- 5
Rank: 1/450 at a public school in Phoenix, AZ (not very competative)
Senior Curriculum: AP Environmental Science (independent study), AP Spanish, AP English Lit, AP Calc BC (independent study), AP US Government, AP Physics B
Awards: National Merit Commendation, AP Scholar, National Honor Society, School Poetry Contest- 1st place 3 years consecutively, District Poetry Contest- 3rd place (9, 10), School Science Fair- 2nd place out of over 100 projects, ASU Science Symposium (present science project) Invitation, Tons of smaller school awards like student of the month and outstanding senior</p>

<p>Extracurriculars In School (leadership, awards)(years):
1) Varsity Cross Country (All Region Student Athlete 2007, Captain)(9, 10, 11, 12)
2) Varsity Track (Captain) (9, 10, 11, 12)
3) JV Soccer (Captain) (9, 10, 11) Varsity Soccer (12)
4) Science Club (President, Head of Zoology Department) (9, 10, 11, 12)
5) Fellowship of Christian Athletes (Vice President) (9, 10, 11, 12)
6) Best Buddies (Peer Member) (9, 10, 11, 12)
7) Young Republicans Club (President, Founder) (12)
8) National Honor Society</p>

<p>Extracurriculars Out of School (leadership, awards)(years):
1) Boy Scouts of America (Eagle Scout) (9, 10, 11, 12)
2) Bank of America Student Leader Nonprofit Internship Program (12)
3) Catholic Youth Group (9, 10, 11, 12)
4) Catholic Social Justice Organization (12)</p>

<p>Work Experience:
1) Advanced Lifeguard (10, 11)
2) Bank of America Student Leader (Boys and Girls Club Nonprofit Intership) (12) </p>

<p>Hook: None. I'm white and middle class.</p>

<p>Future: I want to study Biology at Yale along with poverty economics, global health policy, and environmental studies. I wish to attend medical school and then become a doctor working for a nonprofit such as Doctors Without Borders. Also, I would like to do medical research more focusing on prevention of disease rather than treatment. </p>

<p>Recommendations: I think they should be strong. My biology teacher is not the strongest writer but still talked highly of me and her experience with my. My history teacher is a strong writer and talked about the fact that he removed me from the classes curve because I made it too difficult for the other students. </p>

<p>Essays: If you want to read them, PM me. I would be happy to have them evaluated. </p>

<p>Campus Visit: No, I have not visited campus because my dad has cancer. </p>

<p>Location: Phoenix, AZ</p>

<p>Other Schools: Stanford, Brown, Dartmouth, Rice, Williams, Bowdoin, Middlebury, <em>Pomona</em></p>

<p>Thanks for your help! Did I forget anything? I know it is difficult to chance, but be honest with me. Is there anything I could do to improve my chances (retake tests)?</p>

<p>I think you stand a nice chance. You are really committed to your ECs. Your tests are fine, really don't waste your time retaking them. I think your ECs will make you stand out. I'd love to read your essay if you'd PM it to me.</p>

<p>I think you seriously need to reevaluate calling any score over 700 a weakness...if you take a look at the SAT range for Yale you'd realize that a 770 on an SAT II is in no way a weakness. But again, it's Yale, so it's very difficult to say that any of these scores are a guaranteed IN, however, I would say you are in no way a long shot. If you don't get in it's not reflective of your grades/scores. </p>

<p>You can PM me your essays if you want a second opinion on those, I didn't really feel like doing my homework right now anyways ;)</p>

<p>WAIT OH MY GOD! I JUST REALIZED YOU DO BEST BUDDIES!!! Is that what I think it is? Because if it's a club at your school where you just have an ILL time hanging out with kids with special needs then I do that too at my school and it's like THE highlight of my week. </p>

<p>If your best buddies is the same as my best buddies then I'm REALLY REALLY excited right now :D :D</p>

<p>^lol. (10chars)</p>

<p>yeah, Best Buddies is the BEST time ever. I joined my freshmen year somewhat unsure of my situation but interested in broadening my perspective. I absolutely love it and have so much fun with the kids. Actually, I have the same buddy this year as my freshmen year and we are going to graduate together which is really exciting.</p>

<p>Anymore thoughts would be absolutely glorious.</p>

<p>Did you honestly put youth group on your actual Yale application?</p>

<p>If so, lolz.</p>

<p>Well we do it a bit differently where you don't get A buddy, but you're just best buds with EVERYONE haha. I was SO awkward when I started (9th grade as well) because I had no idea what to do with myself, I had no idea how you were supposed to was awful. But I made myself keep going back because I refused to be scared away by something just because I wasn't used to it, and low and behold they really area some of my best friends and my favorite people in the whole school. I'm really happy that someone else out there gets to experience that like I have!
But seriously, PM me your essays I'd be glad to give you an opinion!</p>

<p>hookem: what's wrong with putting youth group?</p>

<p>oh geez, your profile looks amazing, please stop stressing. Very good shot, I'd say, hah, but I'm probably not the greatest judge. oh, and I'd love to read your essays if you want :D But, relax, please?</p>

<p>OH MY GOD. Biology91:</p>

<p>"Future: I want to study Biology at Yale along with poverty economics, global health policy, and environmental studies. I wish to attend medical school and then become a doctor working for a nonprofit such as Doctors Without Borders. Also, I would like to do medical research more focusing on prevention of disease rather than treatment. "</p>

<p>Shut up! I said the EXACT same thing in both my essay and my Yale interview!! Like, EXACTLY! The Doctors Without Borders thing, the majors and the research. Okay you're scaring me lol. I guess you're part of my biggest competition, huh? =]</p>

<p>You are definitely qualified academically. I love the fact that you're an Eagle Scout. I gave a speech at my best friend's Eagle Scout ceremony about growing up with him. Good times.</p>

<p>for the record, biology91, I commend you for putting youth group on your app- </p>

<p>think about it, people- just as much time and service spent as a school club . . . only it actually shows more dedication cuz it's not on the same campus that you have to be on every day!!</p>

<p>RD Yale (deferred EA); sent in some extra stuff to add to my application (some extra awards, etc.), so hopefully that'll work</p>

<p>how does being selected to perform with the high school student band during the pre-game and halftime at the Cotton Bowl help my chances?</p>

<p>Yay! Young Republicans club!!!!! I have seen so much "volunteer for Obama" stuff that I was beginning to think that there were no other republicans in our generation.</p>

<p>it's just cool- similar to how I was trying to make singing the national anthem for a Matchbox 20 concert fit into my app- just shows you like rockin' the world</p>

<p>jay123: That's cool that we have similar plans! Sounds like we need to work together if we both go to yale! </p>

<p>Dbate: Good to hear there is someone else with politically diverse thought out there! I'm not a full Republican in my views (I'm more of a populist) but one of the reasons I chose Yale was because of the diversity (including political) at Yale.</p>

<p>Any other chances posts would be awesome.</p>

<p>haha i think you are really qualified academically and EC-wise. if i had any beef about you it would be the fact you seem so well-rounded that you lack something exceptional to wow the AOs... you can email me your essay if you want more comments :D</p>

<p>I am very conservative on social issues, but am more liberal on economics. So I am not full republican, but if I had to choose it would be republican.
In all honest, I did not think that there would much diversity of political opinion at yale. I want to go of financial aid, prestige, and research opportunities.</p>

<p>I think you stand a good chance, but I suppose it s hard to say considering the lack of logic lining the EA disastro.
In any case good luck! I have similar goals for the future regarding MSF (don t all aspiring doctors?). Hope things work out for us both!</p>