Seeking: Advice, Chances, and General Feedback

<p>Hello all! Like many people here, I'm looking to transfer schools. However, SO many people have told me that they wanted to transfer schools after their first semester, so I don't know if I'm being irrational or not. I think there are a few reasons that are involved in me thinking about transferring. Here's the gist, though:</p>

<pre><code> I currently attend the University of Delaware and I'm in the honors program. Most days I just feel like I'm feigning my happiness because I feel so bad not liking it there. There is a diversity problem, where at times I feel uncomfortable being one of the few PoC in a room. I have a solid group of friends, but they're mostly seniors and juniors, so they'll be leaving very soon.

The academics are fine, and the professors (the ones I've had, at least) are great as well. I attended UD chiefly because my parents wanted me too. Since I received a decent merit scholarship and I'm in-state, my parents saw a great deal (which it is).
Another component for my "transferring mindset" is that I only applied to UD and one other school. Because of this, I'm always thinking what-if scenarios in my head. Since I'm not happy here, I think that if I had applied to other places and received admittance that I would be happier there... wherever there is.

I've been thinking about applying to smaller schools that I know of... so here's my list

<p>Reach:Brown (It was my dream since 5th grade, and I don't know why I never applied senior year)
Boston U (not small, I know, but I really like the Boston area)
Northeastern (maybe)
William and Mary</p>

<p>I have a 3.8 college GPA and achieved a 32 on my ACTs. My high school GPA is a 3.66, but I went to an extremely competitive high school (nationally recognized). Also feel free to add any other colleges I should look at!!</p>

<p>on a similar boat… Carlton and Oberlin might be good schools too.</p>

<p>Thanks, I’ll be sure to check them out.
Good luck with everything!</p>

<p>You have a good chance at those schools. If Brown is your dream then definitely apply and visit etc and see if you like it.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>If money isn’t an issue then there’s lots of great options. I’m from the DMV and am happy I went outside the mid-Atlantic for college for a different perspective. Not sure how you feel about things outside the NE/Mid-Atlantic? Any private you apply to will be smaller than the 20k+ at UD. Do you want tiny, ~2k, or ~5-10k like most private uni’s?</p>

<p>Cornell - read up on the different colleges w/in the University, there’s several and they all have different admit rates/requirements. I went for HumEc as I was interested in healthcare & policy. CAS & Engineering are the hardest to get into.</p>

<p>UPenn/Columbia - why not? urban ivies, definite diversity being in a city & great academics</p>

<p>Vanderbilt - on the rise in prestige, very hard to get into out of HS, but their transfer acceptance rate is still considerably higher</p>

<p>Notre Dame - I didn’t apply but have friends there that loved it, I also have a friend that went there and hated it.</p>

<p>Brown - was my dream school also! don’t apply for aid as they weigh that in their decision significantly</p>

<p>USC - good academics/school pride/LA weather?/very diverse/large school</p>

<p>Georgetown - kinda close to home but smaller school w/better academic rep w/great internship opportunities in DC</p>

<p>Unfortunately money is a problem. My parents don’t want me to transfer anywhere because of the money; they see UD as a bargain which it is when you’re in-state… So, I’ll be applying for financial aid wherever I go. But thanks for the other recommendations, I’ll look into them!</p>