seeking SAT advice

<p>I registered for the January SAT thinking that it would be good practice because of new SAT policy that will be in place; I thought that there was no harm in taking the test.</p>

<p>then recently, as talked about in the parents forum, a few top colleges (some of them I am planning on applying to) announced that they want to see all scores and that they will not conform to CB's new score reporting policy. </p>

<p>I haven't studied as much as I'd like and I only want to take the SAT twice at most (aiming for 2300+). I don't know if I have will have time to study for the Jan SAT.</p>

<p>What should I do? Should I keep the date or should I change to March?</p>

<p>What’s the new SAT policy that’s going to be in place?</p>

<p>the new policy is that colleges see only the scores you send them.DOnt worry about this.If you are aiming for 2300 you should score at least 2050 in Jan.I am also taking the test for the first time in January and planning to take it twice (in May) because March is not an option for international students.</p>

<p>When did that policy start? I took it in December and I’m curious if colleges will see my score without me sending it.</p>

<p>I think it started in September or Octobet</p>

<p>the policy will start in march 09.</p>

<p>^^ Ren that’s incorrect. The policy will be put in march 09’, but students still have the option to send whichever scores they like.</p>

<p>However, the whole controversy is that a few top colleges are demanding that students send in all test scores.</p>



<p>o_O do we?? i think Ren is right.</p>

<p>The ability to choose which scores to send becomes available in March, and at that time it is retroactive to any tests that you have taken already.</p>

<p>Some colleges are now saying that they want to see all of your scores regardless of the new capability to choose; you will have to make an ethical choice in those cases.</p>

<p>^^ yea, I have a huge dilemma…any advice?</p>