<p>I've given a lot of thought to this recently, and I was wondering if you guys had any opinions on this subject. I've noticed that, when given a choice, I sometimes choose the option I like second best rather than first best. Thinking of the first choice fills me with a lot of anxiety about taking on a new challenge and I sometimes convince myself that it's not what I wanted anyway! Sometimes, I force myself to do it, and then I feel better afterwards. Other times, I talk myself out of it and then hours, days, or weeks later, I realize how foolish I was. As I look back, I can see four notably stupid instances in which I did this---and I want to do whatever I can to make sure that I don't do it again (or at least get better!).</p>
<p>This tends to happen only with big choices that involve the long term, and money or prestige or further opportunities. It doesn't happen with, say, what I should do over the weekend.</p>
<p>So, I know that this board isn't supposed to be my private therapy session ;), but I wanted to see if anyone here has kids that have this problem. Does your kid do this? Do you know anyone who does this (child or adult)? And do you have any suggestions?</p>
<p>I've gotten some books on self-sabotage and underachieving, but I can't seem to find any that mention this specific problem. Any ideas?</p>