<p>I'm applying for the 2013 summer Senate Page program and I would love some help on my cover letter! Any advice on the format, what to include, anything else??? Thanks!</p>
<p>Hey, basically I did three paragraphs for the cover letter. I’m going to be a page Spring 2013. The first paragraph was a brief introduction of who you are and where you go to school et cetera and which session you would like to do. The next paragraph was about my activities, accomplishments, interests, career goals, etc. The last paragraph was why I wanted to be in the program and why I thought I would be a good fit…basically begging them to take me and explaining why they should. Good luck! It’s mostly just luck about who they need and when. If you have any other questions PM me.</p>
<p>Thanks so much! This was really helpful!!!</p>
<p>Do you know when the Senate Page Program for Summer 2013 applications are due?</p>