Sending December SAT to UTD?

I’m an international student with a 86% HS average. Top 20% (school doesn’t rank though). I have a 1390 SAT currently and I plan to take it again in December.

What kind of AES would I get with a 1390? Also, I plan to apply right now and send updated scores in December. Will UTD re-evaluate my profile for AES after I send my December SAT scores? Or should I apply altogether after getting my scores in December?

UTD’s website does say that they will consider all test scores that are delivered by the priority date which is January 15. So, you can apply now with your current test score and be reconsidered later. A 1390 might get you the lowest level of AES but no guarantees. So, definitely try to get that score higher and have it there by 1/15.