Sending information to UC's after the update deadline..

<p>I have two questions:</p>

<p>1) I decided to drop a class this quarter due to personal reasons. My performance in the class was not an issue, I just have family obligations that conflicted with the scheduled time of the class. However, I am now forced to take 24 units next quarter in order to fulfill my IGETC/major requirements. How bad does it look to drop a class? I took 13 units my in the fall, and will have 13 units once again after I drop this 4 unit class. Will this sudden increase in units look like I put off all of my transfer work until the last minute?</p>

<p>2) I'm positive I must inform the schools I applied to of this decision. How do I go about doing this? </p>

<p>(Just so you know...I decided to transfer from a private school on the east coast to a UC due to financial issues. I am currently at a California community college.)</p>


<p>that might not be in your best interest, though, at this point, it’s kind of too late, isn’t it…
on the application update, on the last comment section (after the one where you fill out your planned classes for spring), it asked you to explain how you intend to ensure completion of IGETC courses taken during spring. </p>

<p>i heard from counselors that they get a little skeptical when you attempt too many required courses on the last stretch.</p>

<p>good luck, though. 24 units is going to be tough.</p>

<p>im kind of in the same boat, but i actually changed addresses. im still in california but im wondering how to update</p>