Sending the Milton Email to Choate..

<p>This morning I just wrote an email to all my waitlisted school for updating my recent win on a debate tournament ...wrote the milton one first and copied but FORGOT to change the part "I definitely look forward to joining the well-known debate team of Milton"...and I actually told Choate it was my top choice...Does anyone have any suggestion for what should I do and would that significantly affect my chance..?</p>

<p>While I am wincing internally, this isn’t uncommon at all. Lots of applicants/parents are contacting multiple AOs at the same time, and some are bound to make a mistake; I’ve heard half a dozen mix-up stories on here alone. There’s not really anything you can do without wasting their time and yours, and calling attention to your slip! The only thing would be taking back the email, and as you can’t do that, why not try and forget about it?</p>

<p>I would apologize and say you accidentally sent the wrong email to them, then write a new one and resend. However, I’m no expert on this topic so take my opinion with a grain of salt.</p>

<p>Hey thanks guys my interviewer replied to me saying she understands and there is no problem. Thanks again for the replies!</p>