Senior Awards Night

<p>Have him tell them “no, but thanks to our National Championship football program that helps fund academic scholarships. I’ll be going to college for free the next four years while you’ll be saddled with 100K debt upon graduation”. And if that doesn’t work then tell him to punch them in the face :slight_smile:</p>

<p>This made me smile. My S turns 18 tomorrow, I was thinking earlier that today is the last day of his life he can go make some mischief and not be charged as an adult. I’ll tell him to punch away for the next 5 1/2 hours if he chooses.</p>



<p>Have you considered reporting this to Undergraduate Admissions?</p>

<p>class2012mom- we felt that way about our rep until this incident too. Not very involved. I gave her a pass because she is new, and the one prior to her was overwhelmed with the territory. So they split it between these two now.</p>

<p>Have you considered reporting this to Undergraduate Admissions?</p>

<p>It wasn’t a racial slur or anything at all of that nature. Just very telling about the extent to which she was willing to put herself out and do her job in regards to potential students. So no, I didn’t think it was my place to tell someone they had a made a bad business decision regarding who they chose to represent their school. I figured eventually they would figure it out on their own.</p>

<p>I would contact Rick Funk if I wasn’t pleased with the area rep’s response or professionalism. </p>

<p><a href=“”></a></p>

<p>Bama needs to know if any of the area reps aren’t doing their jobs correctly.</p>



<p>I think we have the same rep. She’s doing the same thing at D’s high school - dropping the certificate off at the guidance office after school is over for the seniors and when D and the other girl at her HS who received the Presidential scholarship are both at Bama Bound. FWIW, D’s school doesn’t allow scholarships from individual colleges to be awarded/announced at honors night - they said they’d be there all night if they did that.</p>

<p>Our representative presented the award to DS at his awards day last year. I think it opened a few eyes. She did a fine job representing UA.</p>

<p>As UA rarely sends reps up to Washington, I received my certificate when I picked up my diploma after graduation. It is bigger than my high school diploma. :slight_smile: From what I saw, I was the only student at my 460+ student graduating class to receive a certificate from my chosen college/university.</p>

<p>Just yesterday I was asked what sport I played in order to get a big scholarship. When I mentioned that it was an academic scholarship, the gentleman was astounded, saying “they don’t give many of those out.” Be proud that your child scored (pun intended) a merit scholarship at an excellent school that they want to attend.</p>

<p>Our rep arranged for another rep to come to our D’s senior night last year to present her scholarship because she was tied up. She arranged it with our HS guidance office and sent a very nice and professional email to us letting us know they consider this the highlight of their year to attend such functions. Others who attended were very impressed! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>@Beth’s mom - yes, it’s the same rep. I don’t know our school’s policy about presenting outside scholarships - and my S truly wouldn’t have wanted any attention on himself in any public way - so a public presentation would not have happened regardless. </p>

<p>It’s very possible that last fall our rep had a very bad night or something else going on when we met her. I am sorry I posted anything about it in a “public” venue. Everyone has bad days and maybe this was one for her; let’s just leave it at that. If there’s more to it than my experience UA will figure it out.</p>

<p>We did not find UA through our area rep, as a matter of fact, I didn’t know who the rep was, and yet “magically” on Senior Awards Night, at my son’s high school, the rep was there to personally anounce my son’s scholarship and hand him his award certificate. It was a surprise to all of us but the rep had previously arranged this with my son’s school. Our UA rep was the only college rep to present a scholarship and was the only university rep to contact the high school. As my son’s photo came up on the big screen with the words “The University of Alabama Scholarship”’ his friends exploded in cheers and we heard “Roll Tide” from several audience members. Not a Bad response from a Northeastern school!! Way to represent UA…</p>

<p>The University of Alabama has continued to surprise us in good ways…</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>Quote: “did you get a football scholarship?”</p>

<p>This sounds like something similar that happened to my son about five years ago. We were in the bleachers of a home basketball game, and he was telling his best friend that he received a call and various information from a top-flight school with an incredible basketball program. Her friend thought he got the call because he would be getting a basketball scholarship. His friend told her, “No, it’s because he’s smart. Very smart.”</p>

<p>Do not worry what people say about what school your student attends. The decision is his or hers. The reasons are his and hers. My son’s friends were thrilled for him, because they know how many hours he devoted to his studies. Some kids a year behind him laughed and thought he could have done better. Meanwhile, he’s hanging out today in Honolulu with Malanai. I think he did dang good!</p>

<p>Robotbldmom: Wow! What a great surprise for your family. RTR!!</p>

<p>Momreads: Great story , great result. Hope he is having fun in Hawaii with Malanai.</p>

<p>How would you hear about a UA rep being able to come and present a scholarship at Senior Honors Night? I got the NMF Presidential Scholarship, and it would be great if they could come to mine. I don’t typically like a lot of pomp and fuss, but I’m just so TIRED of people saying UA is a “bad school” or that I could “do better” than UA. I’ve worked hard for 4 years and earned a full ride to a college that will give me the opportunity to earn both a bachelors AND a masters in 4 years FOR FREE. </p>

<p>Hopefully that will silence the haters.</p>

<p>We’ve already had our honors night…would love to have the certificate to display at S’s grad party, though (unless that would be overly pompous). S received the Presidential…is there a certificate for that?</p>

<p>Aqua - email your area Rep. Ask what their plans are and if they plan to come.</p>

<p>Aqua, I agree that you should email or call your local rep. We had little contact with our rep throughout the decision process except sending an email or two to ask a question. We were unaware she had contacted our school or the school had contacted her about Senior Awards Night. My D received the Presidential and another student received one of the other levels of scholarship and both were recognized and received certificates at the awards ceremony.</p>

<p>As far as quieting those who are critical of your choice, jealousy and ignorance are powerful motivators for many of those comments. Congratulations on your scholarship and your choice to attend a great school. You will love the UA! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Cuttlefish123: This surprise made a nice night truly memorable. I wish the same for all of this year’s students.</p>

<p>If your senior award nights have not passed, I am sure that a parent or guidance counselor could contact the appropriate UA Rep and inquire. Why Not??</p>



<p>“Ignorance is the curse of God; knowledge is the wing wherewith we fly to heaven.”
-William Shakespeare</p>

<p>Nothing will silence the haters, my friends, for the poor wretches are cursed. They know not of the heaven to which we fly. Alas.</p>


<p>Thank you all for the info and support! I really appreciate it.</p>

<p>Bahaha malanai: “Rolleth”.</p>