Senior HS AP Test Scores Posting

@thr2000 Oh, sorry! I completely misunderstood you. Bama was the only school I applied to so I knew since around October where I was going lol.

@Raxterfawk No worries.

My AP credits have just been added to my academic profile, so they should appear in DegreeWorks overnight.

DS sent his directly to Bama by bubbling the code on the sheet when he took them in May.

Since everyone’s Degree Works is now updated, I guess it is moot point.

@CyclonesGrad there are currently 19 open seats in honors sections of E103, no seats in non-honors, check again on Thursday for those since that will be the 2nd day of the next Bama Bound session.

Take Honors section if your student can…better professor! and the class isn’t any harder (says our DS who just completed it this past semester).

@jrcsmom I just looked in my DD MyBama in the Look Up Classes and it shows no open seats for ENGR 103.

Another note - Seats are opened for BB, however students who have had their Advising Hold cleared (attended earlier BB) cannot get on Add/Drop until 12:15. That is after the current BB is finished and then all of the seats are filled. What I am describing is exactly what happened today to DD when she tried to add Physics 105. 15 seats open this morning and 0 at 12:15.

Not good for students who went to early BB and did not get AP scores until Mid-July. Advisor did not give my DD override at BB on expected AP score.

My advice to future students is go to later BB so AP scores from Spring tests will be in hand and then you can register for what you need without the run around asking for waivers.

Have you tried adding a course before 12:15 on the second day of a Bama Bound session? My advice is to try adding the course as early as possible on Thursday morning.

Based on 5 years of aiding my son with registering for courses, to my knowledge registration is either open or closed and there is no distinguishing between returning students, new students that have already registered, and students who are registering that day.

I’ll try to remember to check early on Thursday AM since that’s the next date that registration will be open and new seats released.

Over the years, I have heard of very few issues with those asking for waivers to register during their Bama Bound sessions from their advisors even before scores are available, but the issue is students/parents have to know to ask for the waiver since the advisors do not know who may or may not have AP or dual enrollment credit and they are not going to ask every student.

Yes, we looked at it before the 12:15 time frame. The courses with openings had NR next to them. The NR did not allow a box to be checked to add the class, box is next to CRN number.

I think my DD and DS told the advisor that they had taken the AP Calc BC test but did not forcefully say that they scored a 3 or higher. My kids are of the nature to not count on anything until actually in hand. Unfortunately, they get that from their parents! :frowning:

Today, they’re releasing 23 seats, pretty much 1 for each section, but the registration system is not yet open (I verified that my son can not currently register for other courses that have seats and he has the prereqs for).

If you/your student is able, I’d be checking every 15 minutes or so to add the class as soon as registration opens.

@jrcsmom Thanks for all of your help. My DD got an override from the Physics department to get into PH 105. She now has all the classes she wants.

Only thing now is to see if she can change her 8A Calc III class to 10A. If she can’t, then she will stay with 8A.

UA has been very helpful to her regarding getting classes!