Senior Schedule Help

<p>Here is my schedule:</p>

<p>AP Gov/Econ
AP English Lit
AP Bio
AP Statistics
AP Physics C: Mech/ E+M
AP Spanish Language</p>

<p>I have to either drop Spanish or Physics</p>

<p>So I self studied Physics C and got a 4 in Mech and 5 in E+M, is there any point in taking Physics again?</p>

<p>My other option is to drop both Physics C and Spanish and take Sophomore level College Physics at community college (3rd semester calculus based physics dealing with waves, optics, light and quantum physics). The problem is that this is in the middle of the day, and though I can arrange my schedule to have no classes in the middle, I will miss about 20 minutes of the hour and a half lecture(it takes about 20 minutes from school to college) -- is that worth it?</p>

<p>What are you planning to study in college?</p>

<p>If it’s sciences, drop Spanish and take AP Physics. If it’s humanities, drop Physics and take AP Spanish. The whole college thing seems rather confusing and not really worth it.</p>

<p>I want to study sciences, which is why I was considering taking the third semester physics at the community college.</p>

<p>Any other advice? I talked to the professor that teaches the class today. He said missing 20 minutes will not be a big problem for me.</p>

<p>Very fast paced class though.</p>

<p>Take AP physics. Drop AP Spanish. The CC thing isn’t worth it because it will be kind of hectic running back and forth.</p>

<p>EDIT: Didn’t see that you self-studied. Take the AP Spanish because you will probably get more credit from the AP Spanish and there will probably be a language requirement once in college that you could satisfy.</p>

<p>I actually have taken a semester of foreign language at a community college already though.</p>

<p>I am really leaning towards taking the Physics course at CC…</p>

<p>I can almost guarantee that you will regret taking the course at a CC in the middle of the day. It is really hectic running back and forth like that and will cause stress in your senior year that you don’t need. Plus, I don’t care what the prof says, missing 20 mins of each class will be a pain.</p>

<p>Good point. Any other opinions?</p>

<p>shameless bumping</p>

<p>another bump</p>

<p>This is just a suggestion, but maybe you could drop the AP Physics class and take the AP Spanish class. Then register for the AP Physics C Exam and if you pass the test, you’ll get the credit.</p>

He’s already passed both AP Physics C exams.</p>

<p>Take AP Spanish. Why would you take a class you already passed the ap test for?</p>

<p>I have taken 4 years of Spanish though, and can probably pull off a 5 without the class.</p>



10 char</p>

<p>So I went to community college today. It didn’t take too long. Wasn’t stressful at all.</p>

<p>Yet another bump. Any other advice?</p>

<p>Stop bumping. People on here have seen this thread and are probably not going to offer more advice. Two bumps is all you should really ever do (at MAX).</p>