<p>So far, this is what I have for my senior year. I want to get into an elite honors college at a very public school (Indiana University of Pennsylvania), so could I have some feedback?</p>
Spanish 4
AP Stats
Beginning Calc
Physics w/ lab
Forensic Science</p>
<p>yeah, it looks fine
you ARE still in high school, after all</p>
<p>Could you take a regular calculus class instead of an “intro to calc”?</p>
<p>Chemistry would look really nice as well if you can take that, I don’t think they’ll be impressed with a band course</p>
<p>Ive never heard it called intro to calc
is it the same thing as pre calc or more in depth</p>
<p>JoshuaGuilt – took chemistry this year, so we’re good. And I’ve taken band for seven years now, so not dropping it. :)</p>
<p>john6391-- weird, huh? It’s basically pre-calc, I assume. The course before it is trig/algebra 3. It’s not in depth at all, but it’s an academic course… if that makes sense. haha</p>