Senior Schedule


<p>Note: I’m leaning towards a Biology Major </p>

<p>I was originally signed up to take regular Calculus this upcoming year (I’m a rising senior); however, I decided to switch into AP Statistics. Is AP Statistics definitely better than taking regular Calculus? AP Calculus isn’t really something I would consider because it’s a pretty hard course at my school, math is my weakest subject, and I would hate to get rescinded because of a poor grade in that class.</p>

<p>Also, I’m signed up to take AP Environmental Science this upcoming year, just to take things a little bit easier. I took AP Chemistry this past year (wished I had been more motivated in that class because now it is causing me to doubt my scientific interest and ability), Honors Chemistry sophomore year, and regular Biology Freshman year. So, although it would probably be best for me to take AP Biology this year, I probably will not. Is this a grave mistake I’m making or will it not matter that much for admissions?</p>

<p>Would it be nearly impossible for me to get into a UC as a biology major without having taken AP Biology at all in high school? </p>

<p>ALSO: What is the difference between a Biological Sciences major and a Biology/Education (listed that way) major?</p>


<p>I’m also a rising senior and I would say:
AP Bio> AP Calculus> AP Stats
Stats is easy, and colleges want to see rigor in your senior year. Not that you slacked off and took the easy way out…</p>

<p>It’s fine to take AP Stats instead of AP Calculus. The UCs look at all AP courses on equal footing, so one AP courses is not better than another. But remember that you will most likely have to take Calculus at some point for most Bio majors.</p>

<p>It’s ok if you don’t have AP Bio. It’s not going to be the deal maker/breaker.</p>

<p>Biology/Education is for people who would like to become teachers. If you are interested in pre-med, then that is probably not the major for you.</p>