<p>I'm applying early admission to UNC, (a rather competitive school) and I'm worried as to whether or not my senior grades first semester are going to be sent.</p>
<p>Do they request a new transcript after the first semester is over even when applying to early admission? </p>
<p>The only problem I have with that is that I'm taking three AP classes this semester along with marching band and though I'm working very hard....time is an issue for me. </p>
<p>Therefore my grades are around 87-89 as of now and as evident to its progression I'm afraid that I'll recieve around an 85 or two in one my classes. This really worries me because I've never recieved below a 90 as a final grade and even though it is inevitable to recieve below a 90 on an AP class, I'm afraid it will hinder my chances of getting in. </p>
<p>I'm definitely NOT slacking off (if anything, I'm working harder) but my declination in grades is merely due the hard work load I have. </p>
<p>I'm currently fourth in my class with a gpa of 4.4
I'm afraid that if the colleges see my transcript after my first semester of senior year then they'll look down upon my grades and my soon to be lowered gpa/rank. </p>
<p>So...do they see them? And if so, will I be okay?