Senior year grades

My first semester Senior grades were finalized just recently. I made the grave mistake of taking AP Biology and ultimately, I received an F for a final grade in that class. I asked my counselor if it was possible to maybe take an online or community college class to make up for the bad grade but she told me that I couldn’t make it up that way. She didn’t really answer most my questions and simply told me that the only thing I could do was raise my grade up (which I didn’t…).
Now I turned to using this site to ask anyone for any type of advice. I’ve accepted the F and so I was wondering if I have to notify colleges about my grade (I saw some posts on here about it but couldn’t find it)? If so, how do I do that? And by notifying them, will I still have no chance of being accepted into a UC college? Are there other alternatives that could increase my chances of being accepted? I don’t have high hopes since I have always been a B student but I want to do everything I can to raise the possibility of me attending one of the UC colleges. I would appreciate any help or advice given. Thank you.

Here is the information on notifying the UC’s.

UC’s have and will rescind acceptances for an F Senior year. All you can do is send the information as listed. There are some UC approved on-line schools where you might be able to makeup that F and I will give you a link for that also. Have you withdrawn from the class for next semester or have you dropped down to a level more manageable? You will need to let the UC’s know about any schedule changes also.

If there are changes to your academic record…

Freshmen: If you change schools, add or drop a course, or fail to earn a C or better in a course after you submit your application, you must notify the UC Application Center by email or postal mail. Your correspondence must include your name, UC Application ID number and your signature (if you mail a letter), and will be available to all the campuses to which you applied.

If you receive an offer of admission, be sure to confirm with the campus admission office that they are aware of the deficient grade or schedule changes. Although you must notify the campus of these changes, we cannot guarantee that a campus can go back to review an application after correspondence has been received. Make sure to save a copy of your correspondence just in case.


Postal mail:

UC Application Center
P.O. Box 1432
Bakersfield, CA 93302

For on-line courses:;

UC Riverside and Merced may be more forgiving than some of the other UC’s. Make sure you have a backup plan in case.

I could not drop the class because our school has a strict policy with AP courses and I had to sign a contract that would disable me from dropping a class.
Also, I checked out the link you posted and was able to find an AP Biology course. By taking this online course, would it replace my F or would it help increase my chances?

Why did you take AP Biology course?

@justaway: I would check with the UC application center to verify that this course would be acceptable as a replacement for your current HS course. Since it is UC approved, it should meet that criteria.

@NASA2014 I took AP Biology because I actually enjoyed and did well in regular Biology. I thought the challenge was fit for me but I guess I underestimated how hard the course actually was.

@Gumbymom Thank you so much for the help!!