Senior Year

<p>Do UC’s consider senior year a lot for admissions?</p>

<p>gpa is calculated from 10-11th grade....</p>

<p>however, colleges dont want to see your slacking off in ur senior...which means...</p>

<p>suddenly taking regular eng after 3 years of h/ap (or any other subject)
suddenly getting all C's or B's when you have been getting A's
getting a D</p>

<p>basically, treat senior year as any other year... be consistent... keep your grades up</p>

<p>If you get any C's your senior year you have to write them a letter explaining why.</p>

<p>^not sure...</p>

<p>im pretty sure all UCs have the same conditions of admissions...
this one is for UCSB...</p>

<p>"# Achieve at least a 3.0 GPA (weighted) in your senior year UC 'a-g' coursework and be in "good standing" (minimum 2.0 GPA) in your last term.</p>

<p>"Complete all courses with grades of "C" or better in your senior year. Notify the Office of Admissions immediately if you earn a grade below a "C" in any 'a-g' (academic) course. If you notify us promptly, we may be able to offer some alternate preparation that will allow you to maintain your admission. "</p>

<p>Honestly.. I'm not trying as hard my senior year because I know as long as my GPA is good and I don't receive any Ds I'm good.
Don't get me wrong. I'm still taking 2 AP classes and 1 honors class, but I'm not too worried about my GPA. Its a 3.6 when I normally get 4.2s.
And I really could care less about the AP exams lol. Just taking it cause I said I was in my application.</p>

<p>As lawcha said; just don't dramatically adjust your classes and still maintain a decent GPA. Cs are totally fine as long as its a 3.0 +</p>

<p>I wonder if i'll get into ucsb or uci, it's my gpa that's killing me.</p>