Senioritis and B's

<p>So in three of my AP classes, i may drop to a B for my overall grade. I may be over-analyzing this situation, but should i be concerned about having my acceptance revoked to UW Madison? The rest of my transcript will be A's except in AP ECON, AP Chem, and AP CALC AB.</p>

<p>This question gets answered every three of four days. Unless you get an F, or 3 D’s - nothing will happen. If you have the B’s locked and can’t change them, study hard for the AP tests to get 4 or 5’s and don’t worry about the B’s.</p>

<p>Do well on the AP’s- a higher grade can mean specific course credit (useful for prerequisite purposes/other requirements) instead of just general credits towards your UW degree.</p>

<p>AP credit is based only on AP test scores, so if you do well on the tests, the B’s don’t matter. (A 3 will get you generic credit toward your degree, and a 4 or 5 will give you specific course credit.) You could get all B’s and they wouldn’t care…as others have said, you’d need some D’s or an F before they’d even really start to care (and they still might just give you a warning). I don’t think they rescind very many people.</p>