<p>Ok, I hate these threads as much as the next guy, but I dont know sh|t about law schools.
165 lsat I just got today, and 3.4 GPA from Cornell Engineering, graduating early this semester. I figure if I can't get into a top 20 it won't be worth the debt. Can I make the top 20? I'm thinking Cornell would probablly be the best I can do, hoping they give me a nudge for being an undergrad there.</p>
<p>same question from me. 4.0 from St. Johns /159 LSAT... volunteer+EC's</p>
<p>what are my chances of getting into:
Cardozo Full-time program (162-166 LSAT)
Cardozo Part-time (157-161 LSAT)
St.John's FT (157/8-163 LSAT)
Brooklyn FT (162-166)</p>
<p>If you have not done so yet, I would advise registering and hopping over to the city because the the NY Law school forum is this weekend at the hilton. If you can 't make today, go tomorrow.</p>
<p>It seems like there will be some informative panels along with admissions reps, They may not evaluate your chances, but you could one stop shop for a lot of information </p>
<p>good luck</p>
<p>I did go to the LSAC forum today. It was amazing. Not a lot of ppl there too, so I visited about 10 law school reps in about 1.5 hrs.</p>
<p>If you're considering becoming a patent attorney, it doesn't matter that much where you go to law school.</p>
<p>JOe, what time were you there, I was there all day from the time the Harvard rep did the first forum 101 session at 9:30 and gave out a list of questions to ask at the forum until about 4:45 (left as the what do lawyers do was wrapping up).</p>
<p>There was a time it was a mad house as there were so many people there (maybe you got there in the middle of one of the forums and were able to walk in and out). </p>
<p>As you know there were big crowds at all of the T14 schools as well as the local colleges (had to circle back 3 times to get info from cardozo) With the exception of the T14's a lot of schools took names and the all of the admissions people were very personable and took time to answer questions. </p>
<p>Ended up having about a 15 minute discussion with the dean of admissions at Vandy who is a dartmouth alum explaining in what ways it is similar to dartmouth, Northwestern interviews are mandatory for candidates that do not have at least one year of work experience under the belt, Chicago will admit a small number of students on the condition that they defer coming for a year so they can work, volunteer or something (wants to see well rounded and does not want students that simply go to school, study and do nothing else.</p>
<p>The what do lawyers do discussion was very interesting and you did pass through my mind. It was very encouraging for those looking to go locally as atleast 3 of the panelist were out of lawschool less than 5 years and have already racked up some amazing opportunities.</p>
<p>One of the panelist was a hispanic male who who go his undergrad in EE an Manhattan College, went to work for Con Ed, for 11 years, got his JD at night at St. Johns (2001) and became the first hispanic editor of their law review. Clerked upon graduation now works at Latham & Watkins doing IP.</p>
<p>One young woman went to SUNY buffalo as her interest is in international law. Just graduated in june and got comissioned for Airforce JAG.</p>
<p>Young woman did undergrad major in Urban studies and Child welfare. Worked at a non profit for one year went to Cardozo. Upon graduation got a clerkship at the Court of Appeals, then got a second internship (where she is now) clerking at the federal district court and was recently chosen to clerk for Justice Stephen at the U.S. Supreme court next year, She said she loves being a law clerk and is considering doing it as a permanent job.</p>
<p>Those who have been, I would highly recommend going to one in your area. The one in NYC continues tomorrow.</p>
<p>Greybeard: Why doesn't it matter for patent? Also I'm not 100% sold on patent law, I was also considering something business/corporate oriented.</p>
<p>unfortunately, ur gpa is low, and i know that cornell engineering is insanely tough. in fact, ur gpa is outstanding comparatively speaking, but law schools sadly don't care. They would rather have a histoy major with a 3.8. With that said, ur lsat is pretty dam good as well (but a couple extra pts could have reallly helped)</p>
<p>i think, u should be looking into places like Wash U, Emory, BU, Fhordam, etc.</p>
<p>good luck</p>
<p>To the OP - I actually know quite a number of Cornell engineers with GPAs similar to yours who have attended and graduated from T14 law schools over quite a number of years.</p>
<p>That's what I like to hear.</p>
<p>can anyone give me an evaluation:
same question from me. 4.0 from St. Johns /159 LSAT... volunteer+EC's</p>
<p>what are my chances of getting into:
Cardozo Full-time program (161-166 LSAT)
Cardozo Part-time (157-161 LSAT)
St.John's FT (157/8-163 LSAT)
Brooklyn FT (162-166)</p>