Shots and physical required?

Where is there a list?

Once again, google is your friend:

physician here. I looked at the forms- they will definitely make it easier if you need to visit the UW health services. Also- pay attention to recommended vaccines (and requirements for a statement per law)- if you haven’t had some of the common ones there is a nice explanation for them and why they are advised. No physical required that I could see. Good idea (as stated on the form) to have your immunizations up to date, easier done before school as well.

Now that you are an adult you are responsible for knowing your health history- and it is helpful to know family history as well. Filling out the forms is useful for that. btw- as an adult your parents will not be allowed access to your health history unless you give consent. They also do not sign for anything when you need medical care. It does not matter if you are still covered by their insurance policy. Do get and carry a card with health insurance info- part of being an adult.