Should i change my major now?

<p>I applied 2 UMass Amherest. my stats r good enough 2 get in (id say) 3.6 GPA, 1040/1550 SAT's. HOWEVER i applied 4 Sports Management and thats the #1 school in the nation 4 it. I applied for Political Science at all of my other schools since they didnt have Sports Management. Is it a good idea to change my major now? Thanks.</p>

Is the gpa weighted or unweighted, and is that your total sat score out of 2400? Are you in state?</p>

<p>I would suggest you contact the admissions office and ask them what they think. You never know they night offer some good advise</p>

<p>its unweighted, total, and im out of state (NY). I was going to contact admissions but idk whether or not it would affect their decision in accepting me if they see me changing my major already.</p>

<p>My son applied with at 1130/1600 and a 3.6 gpa and did not get in. He applied undecided because he didn’t think he’d get into Sports Mangement, but was hoping to at least be accepted. This is a difficult year for state schools with the economy. Good Luck!</p>

<p>Was your son accepted as undeclared as his alternate major or rejected from the university?</p>

<p>also, was your son in state or out of state?</p>