Should i double major?

<p>I'm thinking about getting a journalism major with an emphasis on Graphic communications, but i'm also interested in graphic design. I've done some research and from what i understand a graphic communications major can qualify you for more upper management decisions in that field, so i would double majoring in that and graphic communications be a good idea? I also have a passion for them both so taking a lot of classes like that would be enjoyable for me. I've been in yearbook since 8th grade, and i'm gonna be the Editor of our yearbook next year, and i just love it. I should probably mention that I've already been accepted into the college i plan to attend. ( a year early woot! x3 ) So What should i do?</p>

<p>If I could do journalism and communications design, I would do it in a heartbeat. I don’t know what journalism courses your school offers, but I can do journalism with a focus in news design (or magazine design or other design things), which is probably what I will end up doing. This lets me potentially double major in something like computer science.</p>

<p>I have really similar interests to you! I want to do Communication Design and minor in Journalism. If it’s offered at the college you’re already in to, go for it for sure!</p>