Should I even bother trying?

<p>I want to transfer to a better school.
Right now I attend FSU, I have a 3.65 from my 1st semester here and am considered a sophmore since spring because of an engineering summer scholarship I won during junior year at HS. I am an Engineering student (Chemical) and want to later go to medschool.
The schools I'm interested in are Cornell, Northwestern, and some others in this league.
I'm almost a 100% sure that after this semester my gpa will be either 3.75 or 3.82. But then theres the thing that I dont know any teachers to write me recommendations (I know there are threads for that please dont point that out...).
My SAT was a 1170/1800
My ACT was a 26 or 27
My HS GPA was 4.3
I was a swimmer in HS and was an officer in a few clubs.
In college I am a member of a few enviromental clubs.</p>

<p>With these stats would I have a chance at transferring?
If so I could work my a** off to get the recommendations, I'm just loosing hope as the deadline for applications is coming closer. I really want to switch but at the same time I feel my credentials arent the quality they are looking for.</p>

<p>Please tell me what you think!</p>

<p>there’s no harm in trying! but get on it ASAP</p>