<p>Well I have 2 teachers and a guidance counselor writing recommendations = 3 recs.</p>
<p>I have been working for a Health company/doctor office since the 8th grade... I started out doing menial tasks like filing and have moved up to be in charge of insurance billing and disputing claims, etc. (not easy job)</p>
<p>My boss asked me the other day if I needed her to write me a recommendation for college and I told her I wasn't sure, but I'd let her know. She told me she was really impressed with all my work over the years and thought the best she could was to help me out by writing me a in her words "absolutely stunning" recommendation.</p>
<p>Can I turn her down? I know college reps get annoyed with lots of papers, but my boss has basically told me she will write me down as her golden boy to my school of choice (I do work hard there).... </p>
<p>** FOCUS ** Are the 3 standard recommendations enough for a top school like Wharton at Upenn, or would a 4th INCREDIBLE recomendation be useful?</p>
<p>You are seriously asking if you should include an incredible recommendation or not? I don't think an Adcom would get too annoyed with 4....but more then that I would not send. Wharton IS a business school - and confirmed ability in any workplace would be nice....</p>
<p>well I dont want the ad coms to get annoyed with me, but my boss will only say positive things about me and she thinks I'm awesome so it's a hard decision spetsnaz op (are you russian, asking cuz of the nick)</p>
<p>I assume that the school requires 3 recommendations. As long as the school doesn't forbid an extra, adding the kind of recommendation that you describe can only help you. It's a great example of the kind of recommendation to add: One from a person who has known you well for a long time, and has insight into your character in ways that your teachers and GC do not.</p>
<p>Also use the recommendation for scholarships and RD applications. You are very fortunate to have such a good recommendation possibility and a respected person who is willing to help you out like that.</p>
<p>My older S used a similar recommendation when he applied to college, and got some nice acceptances and merit aid as a result.</p>
well I dont want the ad coms to get annoyed with me, but my boss will only say positive things about me and she thinks I'm awesome so it's a hard decision spetsnaz op (are you russian, asking cuz of the nick)
<p>Russian? Nope, actually both of my parents are east african. I just play far to many first person shooters :D Good luck with your apps.</p>