Should I Retake My SAT?

<p>So I just got my first SAT score back. I got an 1310/1950. Should I retake for UM? Finances are very important.</p>

<p>If you want a good scholarship then yes. But that score should get you in as long as you have a good GPA.</p>

<p>Agreed with rankinr. The cutoff for merit consideration is a 1350, so it might be in your best interest to take it again.</p>

<p>oh damn. then I guess Im retaking it in march. what sucks is that I got similar scores in all of them, so its not like I can just study for one</p>

<p>If you apply/applied EA, then you’ll likely get a very nice scholarship with those scores, as long as your GPA, essay, extracurriculars are all solid.</p>

<p>what do you guys think about me taking the ACT in either February/April before I retake my SAT?</p>

<p>There is no doubt in my mind that you should try it. :)</p>

<p>Unless you think that studying for the ACT might detract from your studying for the SAT. But that shouldn’t be too much of an issue, because the key thing is that they’re both reasoning tests, so even though they might use different words and have different formats, they test the same thing and the same underlying concepts.</p>